The NADI Workshop on Aviation Security

RSIS hosted the NADI Workshop on Aviation Security from 9 to 11 February 2012 at Traders Hotel Singapore.

Nine NADI member countries attend the NADI Workshop. The NADI members made presentations on their countries' policies on aviation security, their organisational structures and preparedness to respond to any threats to aviation security and to ensure the safety of their airports. They exchanged views and discussed how they could cooperate to counter any challenges or threats to aviation security and safety of airports. They recognised that in a globalised world, safety and security of airports and air travel would be so important to any country as it is the quickest way for people to travel from one country to another and within their country. Aviation has serviced the commercial, business, manufacturing, cargo, tourism, educational and other economic sectors to facilitate their country's prosperity. They also discussed the role the Asean militaries could play to support the national efforts by their civil aviation authorities and police as the threats to aviation security are national and trans-national in nature. Thus the role and cooperation of the Asean militaries and their related security agencies would be important. The NADI participants have made recommendations to the ADMM track for their consideration which would include a special focus on aviation security in the Asean militaries and the ways they could cooperate to facilitate closer cooperation among the Asean militaries for this task.


Documents of NADI Workshop on Aviation Security

  1. Chairman’s Report of the NADI Workshop on Aviation Security
  2. Agenda list of the NADI Workshop on Aviation Security
  3. Programme of the NADI Workshop on Aviation Security
  4. Participant list of the NADI Workshop on Aviation Security