Media Mentions

Links to external websites are provided solely as a service to our users. RSIS does not necessarily endorse these organisations and are not responsible for the content in their webpages. RSIS does acknowledge and attribute the Copyright and all Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the contents of the linked websites to the rightful owners of the aforesaid IPR.

IN FOCUS: Will Singapore Meet Its 30 by 30 Food Sustainability Goal?
CNA Online
28 Jun 2024
Commentary: Time to Rethink Singapore’s ’30 by 30′ Food Resilience, Amid Local Farm Setbacks
Channel NewsAsia
08 Jun 2024
“Food Chokepoint”: Implications for Asia
Philippine Daily Inquirer
04 May 2024
Gaza Needs Aid Now as Famine Sets In
The Straits Times
03 Apr 2024
“Food Chokepoint” Disruptions and Implications for Asia
Business Times
22 Mar 2024
India’s Rice Export Restrictions Need Multilateral Solutions
East Asia Forum
18 Oct 2023
Every Good School Deserves A Community Garden
The Straits Times
13 Oct 2023
Commentary: Is Cybersecurity A Public or Private Good?
12 Oct 2023
The SDGs Are Not on Track: Here Is What the World Should Do
Council on Foreign Relations
10 Oct 2023
CoC Global Perspectives: The SDGs Are Not on Track – Here Is What the World Should Do
Council of Councils
10 Oct 2023
Is The Global Rice Crisis Coming Again?
Lianhe Zaobao
26 Sep 2023
Pioneering A Water-Secure Philippines
Manila Standard
24 Sep 2023
Burmese Junta Reduces Aung San Suu Kyi’s Prison Sentence Amid Political Uncertainty
CE NoticiasFinancieras
01 Aug 2023
Asia’s Looming Hunger Catastrophe
DW News
13 Jun 2023
Reclaiming ASEAN’s comprehensive and cooperative security
East Asia Forum
13 Jun 2023
Why Is India Rolling Back COVID-19 Food Aid?
East Asia Forum
20 Feb 2023
Thailand’s Rice Bowl Threatened by Rise of Its Regional Rivals
The Straits Times
21 Jan 2023
Securitising Climate Policy Will Keep the Indo-Pacific Afloat
East Asia Forum
26 Dec 2022
Southeast Asia’s Reliance on Not Taking a Stand Is A Dangerous Bet
The Japan Times
20 Dec 2022
It’s “Reliable” and Low-Carbon. Will Nuclear Energy be the Right Fit for Indonesia’s Future?
Channel NewsAsia
05 Nov 2022
Ukraine-Russia Grain Deal and Impact on Asia Food Prices
Asia Business Report, BBC News
01 Nov 2022
Ukraine War Threatens Global Food Security
The Jakarta Post
05 Sep 2022
Craving India’s Food Security Success
East Asia Forum
03 Sep 2022
Commentary: Reducing ASEAN’s Food Import Dependency
East Asia Forum
25 Aug 2022
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