Migration research in the Centre focuses on how categories of migration hold geopolitical significance; about how they are constructed and by whom. The programme hopes to open up critical questions about mobility, citizenship and the nation state and how global and regional policies governing the movement of people can impact these areas. There are three categories of research under this pillar.

- International and Regional Frameworks
Research in this area will look at how regulatory regimes monitor and govern the flow of people across the world and more specifically across Southeast Asia and wider Asia-Pacific. There are more than 100 million migrants from Asia-Pacific living outside their own countries and more than 60 million international migrants living in the region. The Asia-Pacific is the largest contributor to international migration globally. The region also received nearly US$ 284 billion in remittances from migrant workers in 2017, accounting for 62 percent of the global total. These figures stress the need for policy-oriented research into these movements as it affects both sending and receiving countries in the region. The research also aims to look at the role played by the private sector and States’ authority in shaping migration governance.
- The Future of Work and Movement of People
Labour migration plays a prominent role in Southeast Asia’s development and prosperity especially in light of technological advancements and the future of work. The expected displacement of workers as a result of technology and digitization, especially for those in the informal sector, can trigger large movements of people in search of jobs. Research in this area will look into the use of technology in key industries, such as the manufacturing sector, and how this might create labour displacement. It aims to collect baseline information on these potential movements and help inform policies aimed at addressing these issues including (1) monitoring labour movements in both sending and receiving countries, (b) reviewing current labour migration mechanisms in place in receiving countries, and (c) setting up of necessary social safety nets and other forms of protection for displaced workers as part of migration governance.
- Human Trafficking
The establishment of the ASEAN Economic Blueprint 2025 foretells greater intra-region mobility of people in pursuit of economic security and exacerbates human trafficking as a non-traditional security risk in Southeast Asia. The research aims to provide a reliable source of primary data on human trafficking in Southeast Asia to support and inform the formulation of comprehensive national and regional anti-trafficking policies by governments, international organisations, civil society organisations and the private sector. It also aims to produce a knowledge base for trafficking-related issues in Southeast Asia including, human trafficking and its implications on regional security, the use of technology to address human trafficking, as well as national and regional anti-trafficking governance.
RSIS Commentaries
- Vincent Mack Zhi Wei, Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labour: Southeast Asian Scenario , RSIS Commentaries , 21 July 2017.
- Mely Caballero-Anthony, Forced Migration: Some Sobering Realities , RSIS Commentaries , 24 June 2016.
- Alistair D. B. Cook, Caitrίona Helena Heinl, New Avenues for Regional Cooperation: Tackling Human Trafficking in Asia, RSIS Commentaries , 03 April 2014.
NTS/Policy Reports
- Mely Caballero-Anthony and Toshihiro Menju, Asia on the Move: Regional Migration and the Role of Civil Society. Tokyo: Japan Center for International Exchange, 2015.
- Alistair D.B. Cook and Jiyoung Song. Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia. London: Routledge, 2014.
- Lorraine Elliott.Climate Change, Migration and Human Security in Southeast Asia. RSIS Monograph No.24. Singapore: RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, 2012.
NTS Insight/Briefs
- Foo Yen Ne, Human Trafficking: In the Shadows of the Law, NTS Insight, 29 August 2018.
- Julius Cesar Imperial Trajano, Combatting Human Trafficking in East Asia: Mind the Gaps, NTS Insight, 20 July 2018.
- Vincent Mack and Christopher Lim, How emerging global trends may affect labour migration in ASEAN, NTS Insight, 3 August 2017.
Policy Brief
- Mely Caballero-Anthony and Pau Khan Khup Hangzo.’Managing Cross-Border Movements of People in Southeast Asia: Promoting Capacity and Response for Irregular Migration in Southeast Asia.’ NTS Issues Brief No.IS 13-02. Singapore: RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, February 2013.
- Kevin Punzalan.‘The Economic Crisis and Labour Migrants: A Test for Human Security.’ NTS Insight. Singapore: RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, June 2009.
NTS Bulletin
Working Papers
- Tasneem Siddiqui and M. Rashed Alam Bhuiyan.“Emergency Return of Bangladeshi Migrants from Libya.” NTS Working Paper No.9. Singapore: RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, 2013.
- Lorraine Elliott. ‘Climate Change and Migration in Southeast Asia: Responding to a New Human Security Challenge.’ Asia Security Initiative Policy Series (ASIPS) Working Paper No.20. Singapore: RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, February 2012.
Journal Articles
Edited Chapters