CTIS-SRP Joint Workshop on Dialogue Skills and Theories

By Muhammad Faris Alfiq
The Studies in Inter-Religious Relations in Plural Societies (SRP) Programme and the Catholic Theological Institute of Singapore (CTIS) conducted a joint workshop on “Dialogue Skills and Theories” on 6 October 2018 at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. The workshop was attended by about 40 participants. This collaboration was undertaken as part of the RSIS-CTIS MOU signed in 2017.
The workshop started with a presentation on “Dialogue in Catholicism” by Mr Gerald Kong, the Executive Secretary of the Archdiocesan Catholic Council for Interreligious Dialogue and the Archdiocesan Catholic Council for Ecumenical Dialogue. He shared Catholic perspectives on inter-religious dialogue and building bridges between different religions. In his presentation, Mr Kong explained Nostra Aetate, a pivotal document issued by the Vatican to promote inter-religious dialogue, peace and harmony.
This was followed by a presentation from SRP’s faculty member Assoc Prof Paul Hedges on Dialogue Theories, Skills and Practice. Assoc Prof Hedges gave insights on the different types of dialogue, and participants had a chance to experience a hands-on approach in dialogue.
The workshop ended with the practitioners’ reflections on interfaith dialogue by Sister Leticia Lopez from Mexico, and SRP faculty member Asst Prof Mohammed Ali. There was also a panel discussion that involved the speakers with Amb Alami Musa, Head of SRP, Mr Arthur Goh and CTIS Academic Director.
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