Meet the Admissions Team: Information Sessions and other events
Check application guidelines and apply online here.
Speak with our Admissions Team at our upcoming events:
Wednesday, 05 February, 1200-1330: Virtual Graduate Programmes Information Session + Masterclass
Join us to find out more about our programmes, meet the admission team and experience RSIS teaching through a masterclass titled “Geopolitics 101: Geography as an Aid to Statecraft.” by Asst Prof Park Jaehan.
Masterclass by Asst Prof Park Jaehan
Geopolitics 101: Geography as an Aid to Statecraft?
Napoleon once famously remarked, the policies of all powers are in their geography. Geography does not determine, however. The meaning of particular geographic features changes over time and depending on circumstances. The study of geopolitics explores this relationship: how geography interacts with human factors to shape the policies of states. Forgotten among scholars and practitioners of international relations, geopolitics is making a comeback as the world witnesses the return of great-power competition over territories and resources. This master class will offer an overview of geopolitics: its past, present, and future.
Registration link:
Tuesday, 14 January, 1200-1330: Virtual Graduate Programmes Information Session + Masterclass
Join us to find out more about our programmes, meet the admission team and experience RSIS teaching through a masterclass titled “Corruption and Anti-corruption in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army” by Asst Prof James Char, Deputy Coordinator of the MSc (Asian Studies) at RSIS.
Masterclass by Asst Prof James Char
Corruption and Anti-corruption in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army
A spate of high-profile graft cases this past year involving senior Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) officers has raised questions about the effectiveness of earlier efforts to temper flagrant corruption in the country’s military establishment. A study of the confirmed list of affected PLA personnel from 2014 to 2024 points to distinct characteristics in the tenor of the anti-corruption campaign across each of Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s three terms in the period hitherto, while revealing unresolved issues in the exercise of oversight. Despite how new measures targeting the PLA procurement and acquisitions system have since been promulgated, the continued lack of fully developed checks and balances means that periodic clean-ups and cashiering will likely remain the norm.
Registration link:
Saturday, 14 September, 1030-1700, Headhunt Singapore Postgraduate Fair at Raffles City
Tuesday, 1 October, 1200-1330: Virtual Graduate Programmes Information Session + Masterclass
Join us to find out more about our programmes, meet the admission team and experience RSIS teaching through a masterclass titled “The AI Wave – A Revolution in Military Affairs?“ by Asst Prof Michael Raska, Coordinator of the Military Transformations Programme at RSIS.
Masterclass by Asst Prof Michael Raska
The AI Wave – A Revolution in Military Affairs?
As we entered the second decade of the 21 century, the idea of a revolution in military affairs has regained vigour. The concept of a “revolution in warfare” refers to a radical change or discontinuity in warfare that fundamentally alters the way a military operates, and which allows it to achieve a leap in relative military effectiveness. Most analysts and historians agree on this minimal definition but beyond that there is little consensus on the causes of revolutions, when they have taken place, how they occur, and whether we are in the midst of one now. This lecture will assess the impact of the RMA and specifically its latest manifestation brought by the convergence of emerging technologies such as AI, autonomous systems, cyber, and space systems, what we can call an “AI wave.” It argues that any military institution cannot benefit from whatever RMA is unfolding unless it is prepared to innovate – to change significantly its worldview, organization, doctrine, and show an ability and willingness to adopt new technologies.
Registration link
Tuesday, 03 December, 1200-1330: Virtual Graduate Programmes Information Session + Masterclass
Join us to find out more about our programmes, meet the admission team and experience RSIS teaching through a masterclass titled Does Chinese Aid Help?” by Dr Su-Hyun Lee, Coordinator of the MSc (International Political Economy) at RSIS.
Masterclass by Asst Prof Lee Su-Hyun
Does Chinese aid help?
China has emerged as one of the major donors of development finance over the past two decades, especially with the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Given the structural differences between Chinese developmental projects and traditional official development assistance (ODA) from western democracies, researchers and policy practitioners have criticized that Chinese aid is subject to the geopolitical and strategic motivations of the Chinese government. Relying on existing datasets, Dr. Su-Hyun Lee will examine the economic implications of Chinese aid on developing countries.
Registration link:
QS Masters Fair, Tuesday 19 November, Park Hyatt Jakarta
QS Masters Fair, Saturday 16 November, 1400 – 1730, Manila
QS Masters Fair, Saturday 09 November, 1430 – 1800, Hilton Bangkok Grande Asoke
Please email us at [email protected] with any queries you may have regarding our graduate programmes and application procedures.