External Podcasts

RSIS researchers regularly spoke at forums/webinars/podcasts organised by external organisations. This page provides a list of platforms of which RSIS researchers have participated in.

Is Terrorism in Southeast Asia Rearing its Ugly Head Again?

Three attempted attacks – one successful – in the span of three days on public institutions in Malaysia earlier this month have raised a critical question about the rising threat of terror in wider Southeast Asia. On this episode of Morning Shot, Dr Kumar Ramakrishna, Dean of RSIS, shared his insights.

27 May 2024
When Titans Clash – A New Economic World Order?

USA, India, Europe, China- all of them are pursuing industrial policies in earnest, as de-risking with China deepens. What are the consequences of a new subsidy arms race, and how will it shape a new economic world order? CNA spoke to Senior Fellow Dr Sinderpal Singh about the current situation.

16 Jan 2024
Israel-Hamas Conflict

In this podcast, Prof Kumar Ramakrishna, Dean of RSIS, takes stock of 2023’s key global events which will continue to have an impact in the new year.

18 Dec 2023
Feasibility of a Nuclear Plant in Singapore

Singapore wants to centralise how the power sector buys gas, to better guard against supply shortfalls and volatile electricity prices. It will appoint a new entity to combine gas demand and buy on behalf of the power sector. The news came at this year’s Singapore International Energy Week. CNA spoke to Senior Fellow Dr Alvin Chew about the feasibility of a nuclear plant in Singapore.

24 Oct 2023
Sea Links: Navigating the Geopolitical Waters of Maritime Connectivity in South Asia

In this podcast, Dr Sinderpal Singh, Senior Fellow and Assistant Director of the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, discussed geopolitical context behind a growing number of maritime connectivity initiatives across South Asia and the Indian Ocean Region.

23 Oct 2023
China-Philippines Territorial Dispute in South China Sea

Rising tensions in the South China Sea, after the Philippine coast guard said it had successfully removed “hazardous” floating barriers allegedly placed by China. Dr Collin Koh, senior fellow at the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, shared more about the China-Philippines territorial dispute.

25 Sep 2023
The Threats of Online Extremism

The ever-changing face of terror makes it almost impossible to solve. This, while, the sower of hate becomes more cunning and difficult to identify online. On the 20th year of The Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG), Detik delves into the efforts by every strata of the community in protecting our young from the threats of online extremism.

11 May 2023
A Spotlight on Asia Pacific’s Cybersecurity Landscape

Benjamin Ang, Head of Cyber and Homeland Defence, Centre of Excellence for National Security, RSIS, discussed on the latest cybersecurity incidence and threats from around the Asia Pacific region, including tips on how businesses can better protect themselves.

16 Feb 2023
The Common Goal of REAIM Summit

Taking place at the Hague, the Netherlands, on 15 and 16 February 2023, the Responsible AI in the Military Domain Summit (REAIM) gathered participants from various industries across the world; ranging from the government to the military, private sector, academia, and international organisations; to discuss responsible uses and applications of AI in the military.

15 Feb 2023
SGSecure Video on Radicalisation

Prof Kumar Ramakrishna, Dean of RSIS, Professor of National Security Studies, and Provost’s Chair in National Security Studies, RSIS, shared in this SGSecure video on what we can do when we suspect our friends or family members are at risk of radicalisation.

09 Jan 2023
Republican Red Ripple Divides US Congress

Although Republicans eked out convincing wins in many states and gained control of the House of Representatives in the US midterm elections, it was by no means the bulldozing of the Democrats that some foretold. Meanwhile the race for control of the Senate remains on a cliff-hanger, with seats in Georgia and Arizona currently too close to call. How will these elections impact President Biden’s policymaking for the remainder of his term? We discuss the implications with Dr Adrian Ang of RSIS.

10 Nov 2022
Asian Perspectives on the US-China Competition: Implications for South Asia

India has traditionally considered itself the natural dominant power in the Indian Ocean region, but it has never faced the scale and types of competition that China will present. Does India have the wherewithal to maintain its leadership in the region? How will India work with the United States, bilaterally and through groupings such as the Quad, as they seek to maintain the status quo in the face of Chinese challenges?

04 Oct 2022
Will She or Won’t She Visit Taiwan

The US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is on a trip to Asia Pacific which includes Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan but with no mention of Taiwan officially. What is the implication to China- US relations if she does indeed visit Taiwan? Dr Adrian Ang, Research Fellow Coordinator of United States Programme, S S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies tells us.

02 Aug 2022
How Southeast Asians are Making China Adapt to Local Needs

Many in the West, especially Washington, argue that China extends its global influence by exporting and imposing its developmental model on other countries. But this analysis ignores the ways in which Chinese engagement sometimes accommodates local actors —adapting and assimilating local forms, norms, and practices. What often results is that local players successfully push the Chinese to meet local expectations or demands. What strategies and approaches explain these successes, and what can be learned from them?

13 Jun 2022
Russia, Ukraine, and the Philippines (Part 2)

In this B-Side episode, Collin Koh, a research fellow at RSIS, elaborated on the lessons the Philippines and the region should take away from the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. “It is important for countries to seek diplomacy, but also to seek readiness to respond to contingency — in this case, a credible military for both big and small states alike,” Dr Koh tells BusinessWorld reporter Luz Wendy T. Noble.

09 May 2022
Talking Indonesia: Nahdlatul Ulama’s new leadership

As Indonesian democracy shows signs of decline, what is NU’s role? How does it continue to defend its position as a “moderate” Muslim organisation and advocate for pluralism? How will its new leader, Yahya Cholil Staquf, direct the organisation’s focus ahead of the 2024 elections? In Talking Indonesia this week, Dr Jemma Purdey discusses these questions and more with Dr Alexander R. Arifianto, a Research Fellow with the Indonesia Programme at RSIS.

28 Apr 2022
Are Sanctions Imposed on Russia not Working?

Since Russia launched a full scale invasion into Ukraine, many countries have unleashed an unprecedented set of coordinated sanctions against Russia. However, these sanctions do not seem to deter President Putin, and in retaliation, Russia has imposed counter sanctions. So how effective are sanctions imposed on Russia and do the counter sanctions deployed by Russia pose any impact at all? Raffaello Pantucci, Senior Fellow at RSIS, tells us more.

21 Apr 2022
President Biden Goes to Europe

US President Joe Biden’s trip to Europe is said to be one of the highest stakes presidential trips in recent memory as he had back-to-back summits with NATO, the Group of Seven and the European Union discussing on the various issues on Russia and Ukraine.

25 Mar 2022
China-U.S. Relations: A Way Out of the Abyss?

The US-China relationship has become the world’s most important bilateral relationship, encompassing the two largest economies on earth. Their relations during the post-Mao era have fluctuated between good and poor. The relationship reached a new trough during the Trump Administration, which took office as many observers concluded that contrary to US hopes, China had become more authoritarian and aggressive as it grew wealthier and more powerful.

23 Feb 2022
The Malayan Emergency – Gerald Templer’s Role and Legacy

The Malayan Emergency began in 1948. It was a guerrilla war fought in British Malaya between communist fighters of the Malayan National Liberation Army (MNLA) and the military forces of the British Empire. Dr Kumar Ramakrishna spoke about British propaganda during this period and Templer’s impact. The Communist Party of Malaya’s decisive defeat in 1960 led to its armed struggle in Malaysia and Singapore from 1968 to 1989, known as the Second Emergency – an event that tends to be overlooked. Dr Ong Wei Chong addressed the legacy of Templer and the transition of Malaya to Malaysia.


22 Feb 2022
Drifting Clouds – Leadership Perspectives on Addressing Evolving Cyberthreats

In this edition of Munich Cyber Security Conference, distinguished experts offered their perspective on this year´s topic “Drifting Clouds – Leadership Perspectives on Addressing Evolving Cyberthreats”. Watch the presentation here by Benjamin Ang, Head of Cyber and Homeland Defence, Centre of Excellence for National Security, RSIS, alongside other experts.

17 Feb 2022
Southeast Asia and the Future of the Rules Based Liberal Order

On February 11, the Sigur Center for Asian Studies hosted Benjamin Ho, Assistant Professor at the China Programme, RSIS. The talk examined various iterations of the concepts of RBO/LIO among American scholars/thinkers and how they reflect American views towards Southeast Asia and the extent to which countries in the region support America’s vision of the world.

16 Feb 2022
Coronavirus, China, and the Courting of Southeast Asia

This talk discussed how China seeks to procure its strategic interests in the region to erode American influence in the region and in doing so, to carve out a niche sphere of influence in the Indo-Pacific. It built upon the findings of Dr Benjamin Ho’s latest article for the National Defense University’s PRISM journal titled “China’s Strategic Objectives in a Post-COVID-19 World.”

10 Feb 2022
China Watching: The View from Southeast Asia
Hoo Tiang Boon

Southeast Asia is often viewed as the region that most readily exemplifies the competitive forces of the United States and China at work. And yet, the analogy of Southeast Asia as a testing ground tends to strip these countries of their agency in managing their foreign relations. What do Southeast Asian nations make of Xi Jinping’s more ambitious, more global China? 

08 Feb 2022
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