RSIS Webinar Series on Post-Pandemic Multilateralism and Diplomacy
16 February 2021
While great power competition was already on the rise, the insertion of COVID-19 into an already tense mix introduced new dynamics, both in terms of risks of antagonism as well as opportunities for cooperation. This panel seeks to explore questions such as: To what extent has the pandemic impacted great power relations, changed the power balance, reinforced trends, or created new fault lines? Has COVID-19 advanced China’s regional leadership role in Asia? Has COVID-19 harmed America’s Indo-Pacific plans, and how will a new President Biden change U.S. policy towards multilateralism in Asia? What kind of multilateralism could replace the version that so many lost faith in before COVID-19?
1. “The Impact of COVID-19 on Great Power Dynamics in the Indo-Pacific” by Dr Beverley Loke
2. “China’s Role in the Post-COVID Indo-Pacific” by Professor Gao Jian
3. “The Future of American Commitment to the Indo-Pacific. A New Beginning under Biden?” by Dr Brad Glosserman
This is the first webinar in the series. For more information on the second webinar, click here. For more information on the final webinar, click here.