Dr Alistair D. B. Cook
Dr Alistair D. B. Cook
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- Biography
- Areas of Expertise
- Professional Activities
- RSIS Publications
- External Publications
- Teaching Modules
Dr Alistair D. B. Cook is Coordinator of the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Programme and Senior Fellow at the Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies (NTS Centre), S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. His research interests focus geographically on the Asia-Pacific and Myanmar in particular and thematically on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR), foreign policy and regional cooperation. He has taught undergraduate, graduate and professional development courses at Purdue University, University of Melbourne, Deakin University, Nanyang Technological University, Australian National University, Singapore Civil Defence Academy and SAFTI.
Areas of Expertise
- Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response
- Peace and Conflict
- Asia Pacific Regionalism
- Foreign Policy and Internal Conflicts in the Asia Pacific
- Myanmar
- Cambodia
Professional Activities
- Visiting Scholar, East-West Center and Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Honolulu, Hawai’i (May 2022)
- President, International Studies Association – Asia-Pacific Region (2018 – 2021)
- Treasurer, International Studies Association – Asia-Pacific Region (2014 – 2018)
- Visiting Fellow, East Asian Institute (2012 – 2013)
RSIS Publications
Humanitarian Assistance in the Asia-Pacific during COVID-19
31 August, 2020
NTS Insight (Feb 2014) | The Rise of Iskandar Malaysia: Implications for Singapore's Marine and Coastal Environment
06 February, 2014
NTS Insight (Feb 2014) | The Rise of Iskandar Malaysia: Implications for Singapore's Marine and Coastal Environment
06 February, 2014
NTS Insight (Apr 2012) | The Domestic Workers Convention 2011: Implications for Migrant Domestic Workers in Southeast Asia
30 April, 2012
NTS Insight (Apr 2012) | The Domestic Workers Convention 2011: Implications for Migrant Domestic Workers in Southeast Asia
30 April, 2012
NTS Insight (May 2011) | Legal Protection for Southeast Asian Migrant Domestic Workers: Why It Matters
11 May, 2011
NTS Insight (May 2011) | Legal Protection for Southeast Asian Migrant Domestic Workers: Why It Matters
11 May, 2011
NTS Insight (Mar 2011) | Applying the Ethnic Rebellion Model and Risk Assessment Model to Conflict in Myanmar
11 March, 2011
NTS Insight (Mar 2011) | Applying the Ethnic Rebellion Model and Risk Assessment Model to Conflict in Myanmar
11 March, 2011
NTS Insight (Oct 2009 - Issue 1) | The AICHR Framework for Action
30 October, 2009
IP24026 | UN Summit of the Future: Prospects and Challenges
19 March, 2024
IP24020 | Saving Lives at Sea in Southeast Asia – Is a Course Correction Possible?
29 February, 2024
IP24004 | Time for Change: Climate Considerations and Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination
17 January, 2024
IP22043 | Climate Complacency Is No Option for Defence and National Security
12 August, 2022
IP21015 | Integrated Security for a Changing Climate
11 November, 2021
Operationalising Regimes and Recognising Actors: Responding to Crises in Southeast Asia (MacArthur ASI WP No. 3)
28 April, 2010
Issues, Trends and Developments in Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination in the Asia-Pacific
11 August, 2023
Mitigate, Adapt, Prepare: A Climate Security Agenda for the ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting
19 June, 2023
Converging Humanitarian Risks in the Indo-Pacific
18 May, 2022
Disaster Governance in the Asia-Pacific: Future Pathways for South and Southeast Asia
16 August, 2021
Disasters in COVID-19: Implications for Nexus Governance
01 July, 2021
Pathways for ASEAN Contributions to Sustainable Peace and Security in Rakhine State, Myanmar
06 May, 2020
Recalibrating Disaster Governance in ASEAN After the 2018 Central Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
06 December, 2019
Disaster Governance in the Southwest Pacific: Perspectives, Challenges, and Future Pathways for ASEAN
29 November, 2019
Complex Humanitarian Emergencies and Disaster Management in Bangladesh: the 2017 Rohingya Exodus
02 July, 2018
Integrating A Disaster Response Architecture In Timor-Leste: Opportunities And Challenges
22 March, 2018
Disaster Response Regional Architectures: Assessing Future Possibilities
27 September, 2017
Humanitarian Technology Survey
09 June, 2017
World Humanitarian Summit: Implications for the Asia-Pacific
27 March, 2017
International Response to 2015 Nepal Earthquake Lessons and Observations
04 October, 2016
The 2015 Nepal Earthquake: Implications for Future International Relief Efforts
22 June, 2016
Health Governance and Dengue in Southeast Asia
10 June, 2015
The Sustainability of Nuclear Energy in Southeast Asia: Opportunities and Challenges
17 October, 2014
NTS Policy Brief (No. 12) | Differentiated Policies: Indonesia's International Leadership and Internal Challenges
20 June, 2011
Gaza Needs Humanitarian Assistance Now as Famine Sets In
09 April, 2024
Disaster Management in Southeast Asia: 20 Years of Progress and Challenges
02 March, 2023
Climate Change in Japan’s New Defence and Security Strategies
18 January, 2023
Next Steps for Disaster Resilience in ASEAN
11 October, 2022
Myanmar Instability: Emerging Reactions in East Asia
19 May, 2021
Myanmar: Time for New Regional Diplomacy
18 February, 2021
HADR in Southeast Asia: Unpacking the Military’s Humanitarian Role
23 October, 2020
COVID-19 and Humanitarian Response: Leave No-One Behind
20 March, 2020
Humanitarian Action: Southeast Asia’s Local Turn
06 December, 2019
PNG Seeks to Re-Engage Southeast Asia: Role of Disaster Preparedness
18 July, 2019
CO17149 | Build Back Greener: Climate Change & Humanitarian Response
10 August, 2017
CO17058 | Myanmar’s National League for Democracy: From Opposition to Office One Year On
29 March, 2017
CO16129 | World Humanitarian Summit: Meeting Expectations or Falling Short?
27 May, 2016
CO15100 | Nepal Earthquake: Enhancing International Humanitarian Cooperation
27 April, 2015
CO14216 | Can ASEAN Develop a Robust Nuclear Energy Regime?
04 November, 2014
CO14076 | Networked Resilience: Moving the Asia-Pacific Forward
22 April, 2014
CO14062 | New Avenues for Regional Cooperation: Tackling Human Trafficking in Asia
03 April, 2014
CO10154 | Aung San Suu Kyi: Critic or Bridge Builder?
19 November, 2010
CO10119 | Myanmar Elections 2010: Civilianising the Military Government?
22 September, 2010
CO09127 | The Obama Doctrine and Southeast Asia
19 December, 2009
CO09102 | The US and Myanmar: Moving into a New Phase
20 October, 2009
CO09079 | Aung San Suu Kyi’s Verdict: Implications for ASEAN
12 August, 2009
ASEAN Strategic Policy Dialogue On Disaster Management (SPDDM) 2023
28 November, 2023
ASEAN Strategic Policy Dialogue On Disaster Management (SPDDM) 2022
25 October, 2022
ASEAN Strategic Policy Dialogue On Disaster Management (SPDDM) 2021
15 November, 2021
ASEAN Strategic Policy Dialogue On Disaster Management (SPDDM) 2019
12 December, 2019
World Humanitarian Day: Voices from the Field
21 November, 2017
NTS Alert (Apr 2012)
20 April, 2012
NTS Alert (Apr 2012)
20 April, 2012
NTS Perspectives (Issue No. 8 - Feb 2012) | Roadmap for the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP) in Asia: Personalities, Institutions and Processes
29 February, 2012
NTS Alert (Oct 2011 - Issue 2)
28 October, 2011
NTS Perspectives (Issue No. 2 - Aug 2010) | Investing in Papua: The Dual Challenges of Governance and Development
31 August, 2010
NTS Insight (Jun 2010 - Issue 1) | Regional Champions - Examining the Comparative Advantages of AICHR and ACWC
30 June, 2010
The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights
29 October, 2009
NTS Alert (Oct 2009 - Issue 1)
15 October, 2009
NTS Alert (Sep 2009 - Issue 1)
11 September, 2009
NTS Alert (Aug 2009 - Issue 1)
14 August, 2009
RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies Year In Review 2018
20 December, 2018
RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies Year In Review 2017
29 December, 2017
RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies Year In Review 2016
29 December, 2016
RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies Year In Review 2011
31 December, 2011
RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies Year In Review 2010
31 December, 2010
NTS Insight
IDSS Papers
Working Papers
Policy Reports
RSIS Commentary Series
Commemorative / Event Reports
Bulletins and Newsletters
Annual Reviews
External Publications
Journal Articles
- “Humanitarian Engagement with Myanmar in the wake of the 2021 Coup” (with Ian Holliday, and Aung Kaung Myat) in Journal of Asian Public Policy, 2025. pp. 1-16
- “Missing targets: reforming disaster policy in Southeast Asia” (with Mely Caballero-Anthony, and Jonatan Lassa) in Journal of Asian Public Policy, 2025. pp. 1–19
- “Understanding climate security in the Indo-Pacific” (with Mely Caballero-Anthony) in Third World Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 14, 2024. Pp: 2039-2046
- “Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Security Architecture – The Case of ASEAN” in Third World Quarterly, 2024, pp. 1 -23
- “Military Humanitarian and Disaster Governance Networks in Southeast Asia: Framework and Analysis” (with Angelo Paolo L. Trias) in Disasters 47:1, 2023. pp. 205 - 241
- “Humanitarian Action in the Asia-Pacific During COVID-19: New Challenges, Modalities, and Cooperation” (with Christopher Chen) in Journal of Asian Public Policy, Vol. 15, DOI: 10.1080/17516234.2022.2098769, Issue. 2, 2022
- “Humanitarian Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific: Part I” (with Lina Gong) in Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, doi: 10.1177/20578911211045668, 2021
- “Humanitarian diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific: Part I” (with Lina Gong) in Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2021. pp. 183 - 187
- “Humanitarian Diplomacy in ASEAN” in Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 2021
- “Future Directions in Disaster Governance: Insights from the 2018 Central Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami Response” (with Angelo Paolo Luna Trias) in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2021
- “Re-imagining the global humanitarian system: Emerging dynamics in the Asia-Pacific” (with Mely Caballero-Anthony, and Christopher Chen) in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 56, 2021
- “Knowledge management and humanitarian organisations in the Asia-Pacific: Practices, challenges, and future pathways” (with Mely Caballero-Anthony, and Christopher Chen) in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 53, 2020
- “Disaster governance and prospects of inter-regional partnership in the Asia-Pacific” (with Christopher Chen) in The Pacific Review, DOI: 10.1080/09512748.2020.1841823, 2020
- “Conceptualising humanitarian civil-military partnerships in the Asia-Pacific: (Re-)ordering cooperation” (with Sangeetha Yogendran) in Australian Journal of International Affairs, 73, 6, 2019
- “Towards ‘Shared’ and ‘Complex’ Disaster Governance in Bangladesh: The 2017 Rohingya Exodus” (with Yen Ne Foo) in Towards ‘shared’ and ‘complex’ disaster governance in Bangladesh: The 2017 Rohingya Exodus, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 39, , 2019.
- “Achieving the ASEAN 2025 Vision on Disaster Management: Lessons from a Worthy Journey” (with Lina Gong) in Achieving the ASEAN 2025 Vision on Disaster Management: Lessons from a Worthy Journey, ASEAN Risk Monitor and Disaster Management Review (2019), No. 1, 2019. pp.173 – 184.
- “Integrating Disaster Governance in Timor-Leste: Opportunities and Challenges” (with Tamara Nair, Vishalini Suresh, and Yen Ne Foo) in Integrating disaster governance in Timor-Leste: Opportunities and challenges, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 35 (2019), , 2019.
- Alistair D.B. Cook, Maxim Shrestha, Zin Bo Htet, 2018, ‘An Assessment of International Emergency Disaster Response to the 2015 Nepal Earthquakes,’ International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, ISSN 2212-4209, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.05.014
Alistair D. B. Cook, 2017, ‘Negotiating access to populations of concern in South-East Asia,’ The Pacific Review, pp. 1 – 19.
- Alistair D. B. Cook, 2016, “Positions of Responsibility: The Search for Solutions to Irregular Migration in Southeast Asia” (Washington, D.C: Middle East Institute, 5 May).
- Alistair D. B. Cook, 2015, “Cybercrime and Human Trafficking: A Non-Traditional Security Threat?” Women's Human Rights: 13, pp.74 – 89 [in Korean].
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "National Security and the Eastern Promise of Myanmar in Transition." In FPRC Journal 15.
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Post-Myitsone Relations Between China and Myanmar - More Continuity than Change?," In East Asian Policy 5:3 (2013)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Unpacking the Scarborough Shoal Dispute." In East Asian Policy 4:3 (2012)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Myanmar's China Policy: Agendas, Strategies and Challenges." In China Report 48:3 (2012)
- Alistair D. B. Cook and Lina Gong, "The Cambodian Legacy and the Responsibility to Protect in Asia," In Peace Review 23:4 (2011)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, Manpavan Joth Kaur and Lina Gong, "Applying the Ethnic Rebellion Model and Risk Assessment Model to Conflict in Myanmar." In Southeast Asian Studies: A Quarterly Journal of Translation (2011)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Positions of Responsibility: A Comparison of ASEAN and EU approaches towards Myanmar." In International Politics 47:3 (2010)
Edited Books / Special Issues
- Climate Security in the Indo-Pacific: Variations, Contestations and Convergence of Security Practices (with Mely Caballero-Anthony), Eds. London: Taylor & Francis Online, 2024, pp. 2039 - 2144: Third World Quarterly 45: 14, 2024
- Disasters and Humanitarian Action: Dynamic Shifts, Reflections and Anticipating Future Directions. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2024
- ASEAN Disaster Resilience Outlook – Preparing for a Future Beyond 2025 (with Lina Gong, Christopher Chen, and S. Nanthini), Eds. Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, 2021
- Non-Traditional Security in the Asia-Pacific: A Decade of Perspectives (with Tamara Nair), Eds. Singapore: World Scientific, 2021
- Humanitarianism in the Asia-Pacific: Engaging the Debate in Policy and Practice (with Lina Gong), Eds. Singapore: Springer, 2021
- Civilian Protection in the Twenty-First Century: Governance and Responsibility in a Fragmented World (with Cecilia Jacob), Eds. : Oxford University Press, 2017
- Jiyoung Song and Alistair D. B. Cook, eds., Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia (London: Routledge, 2014)
- Caballero-Anthony, Mely and Alistair D.B. Cook (eds.). Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Issues, Challenges and Framework for Action. Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2013.
- Alistair D. B. Cook, ed., Culture, Religion and Identity in Southeast Asia, (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars)
Chapters in Edited Books
- “International Humanitarianism in East Asia” (with Lina Gong, and Oscar Gómez) in S. Roth, B. Purkayastha and T. Denskus (eds) , Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, pp. 411 - 425
- “Pandemics and Disasters: Approaches for Dealing with Converging Risks in Southeast Asia” (with Christopher Chen, Lina Gong, and S. Nanthini) in , Proceedings of the 1st ASEAN Cooperation Forum on Management of Non-Traditional Security (ACF-MNS 1). Hanoi, Vietnam: DHQG, 2023, pp. 700 - 721
- “Civil Protection and Disaster Management” (with Han Dorussen) in Thomas Christiansen, Emil Kirchner, and See Seng Tan (Eds.) , The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021,
- “Future Research Directions for Humanitarian Affairs in the Asia–Pacific” (with Lina Gong) in Alistair D. B. Cook and Lina Gong (eds.), Humanitarianism in the Asia-Pacific: Engaging the Debate in Policy and Practice. Singapore: Springer, 2021, pp 91-95
- “The Evolving Humanitarian Landscape: Rise of the Asia–Pacific Region” (with Lina Gong) in Alistair D. B. Cook and Lina Gong (eds.), Humanitarianism in the Asia-Pacific: Engaging the Debate in Policy and Practice. Singapore: Springer, 2021, pp 1-12
- “Regional Humanitarian Platforms—The Case of ASEAN” in Alistair D. B. Cook and Lina Gong (eds.), Humanitarianism in the Asia-Pacific: Engaging the Debate in Policy and Practice. Singapore: Springer, 2021, pp 47-51
- “Displaced Populations and Regional Governance in Southeast Asia” in Mely Caballero-Anthony and Lina Gong (Eds.), Non-Traditional Security Issues in ASEAN: Agendas for Action. Singapore: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, 2020, pp. 223-240
- “Malaysia – A State of Sanctuary?” (with Lilianne Fan) in Sophie Lemiere (Ed.), Minorities Matter: Malaysian Politics and People Vol.3. Singapore: Malaysia/ISEAS, 2019, pp. 93 – 108
- “Governance and Human Insecurity in Myanmar.” in Brendan Howe (Ed.), National Security, Statecentricity, and Governance in East Asia. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 61 – 80
- Alistair D. B. Cook, 2018, ‘Siloes, Synergies and Prospects for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief in Southeast Asia’ in Alan Chong (Ed.) International Security in the Asia-Pacific: Transcending ASEAN towards Transitional Polycentrism, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 357-375.
- Alistair D. B. Cook, 2017, “Southeast Asia Perspective on UN Peacekeeping: Indonesia and Malaysia” in Boris Kondoch and Brendan Howe (eds) Peacekeeping and the Asia-Pacific, Brill |Nijhoff: Leiden.
- Alistair D. B. Cook, 2017, “Non-Traditional Security and World Politics” in Mark Beeson and Nick Bisley (eds) Issues in 21st Century World Politics, Palgrave: London.
- Alistair D. B. Cook, 2016, ‘How Relevant Are Internal and Nontraditional Security Challenges in the Asia-Pacific?’ in Joanne Wallis and Andrew Carr (eds) Asia-Pacific Security: An Introduction, Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press, pp.183 – 199.
- Alistair D. B. Cook, 2016, ‘Civilian Protection, Resilience, and Insecurity in Myanmar,’ in Cecilia Jacob and Alistair D. B. Cook (eds) Civilian Protection in the Twenty-First Century: Governance and Responsibility in a Fragmented World, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 127 – 146.
- Cook, Alistair DB, 2015, "South China Sea Disputes in the Xi Era," in Zheng Yongnian and Lance L. P. Gore (eds.) China Entering the Xi Jinping Era, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 303 - 316.
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Human Insecurity and Displacement along Myanmar's Borders." In Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia, eds. Jiyoung Song and Alistair D. B. Cook (London: Routledge, 2014)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Conclusion." In Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia, eds. Jiyoung Song and Alistair D. B. Cook (London: Routledge, 2014)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Civilian Protection and the Politics of Humanitarian Action in Kachin State." In Law, Society and Transition in Myanmar, eds. Tim Lindsey and Melissa Crouch (Oxford: Hart, 2014)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "A Land between Two Rising Powers: The Evolution of Myanmar's Relations with China and India." In Rise of China and India: Implications for the Asia-Pacific, eds. Amitabh Mattoo and Mallika Joseph (New Delhi: Manohar, 2014)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Globalisation and East and Southeast Asia." In East and Southeast Asia: International Relations and Security Perspectives, ed. Andrew T. H. Tan (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013)
- Mely Caballero-Anthony and Alistair D. B. Cook, "NTS Framework." In Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Issues, Challenges and Framework for Action (Singapore: ISEAS, 2013)
- Mely Caballero-Anthony, Alistair D. B. Cook, Belinda Chng and Julie Balen, "Health." In Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Issues, Challenges and Framework for Action (Singapore: ISEAS, 2013)
- Mely Caballero-Anthony, Alistair D. B. Cook, Pau Khan Khup Hangzo, Lina Gong and Manpavan Kaur, "Internal Conflict." In Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Issues, Challenges and Framework for Action (Singapore: ISEAS, 2013)
- Mely Caballero-Anthony, Alistair D. B. Cook, Pau Khan Khup Hangzo and Pryanka Bhalla, "Forced Migration." In Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Issues, Challenges and Framework for Action (Singapore: ISEAS, 2013)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Role of External Actors in Development-induced Displacement in Myanmar." In Ending the Displacement Cycle: Finding Durable Solutions through Return and Resettlement, ed. Nadeeka Withana (Colombo: Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, 2011)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Understanding the Role of Culture, Identity and Religion in Southeast Asia." In Culture, Identity and Religion in Southeast Asia, ed. Alistair D. B. Cook (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2007)
- Alistair D. B. Cook and Christopher W. Freise, "Forced Migration and Terrorism: Southeast Asian Human Security Challenges." In Culture, Religion and Identity in Southeast Asia, ed. Alistair D. B. Cook
Policy Reports
- Climate Change and Its Impact on Peace and Security in Southeast Asia (with Mely Caballero-Anthony, Julius Cesar Imperial Trajano, S. Nanthini, Jose Ma. Luis P. Montesclaros, Keith Paolo Catibog Landicho, and Danielle Lynn Goh), Climate Change and Its Impact on Peace and Security in Southeast Asia, Centre For Non-Traditional Security Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 23 January 2024
- Collaborative Governance to Achieve ASEAN Community Vision 2025– Implementing the Blueprint (with Mely Caballero-Anthony), Compendium of Analytical Views for the ASCC Blueprint 2025, Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat., 7 January 2022
- “Is the Indian Ocean Ready for Another Mega-Tsunami?”, The Diplomat, 1 December 2024
- “The challenges of the increasing institutionalization of climate security” (with Mely Caballero-Anthony, Judith N. Hardt, Dhanasree Jayaram, Cameron Harrington, Duncan McLaren, Nicholas P. Simpson, Maria Cecilia Oliveira, Franziskus von Lucke, Julia Maria Trombetta, Marwa Daoudy, Rita Floyd, Chinwe Philomina Oramah, and Adrien Estève), PLOS Climate 3(4): e0000402., 25 April 2024
- “Gaza needs aid now as famine sets in”, The Straits Times, 3 April 2024
- “Climate Change, Environment and Humanitarian Action in Southeast Asia”, ICRC Law & Policy Blog, 28 March 2023
- “Is ASEAN Ready for the Disasters of Tomorrow?” (with Christopher Chen), THE DIPLOMAT, 8 October 2021
- “Moving Beyond the Politics of Recognition in Myanmar” (with Mely Caballero-Anthony), East Asia Forum, 14 August 2021
- “Should the UK Recognise a New Myanmar Diplomat Appointed by the Junta?” (with Mely Caballero-Anthony), Channel News Asia, 29 July 2021
- “Post-Covid disaster governance in Southeast Asia” (with Angelo P. L. Trias ), The Interpreter, 7 May 2021
- “Time for a Coordinated ASEAN–UN Response to Myanmar’s Coup”, East Asia Forum, 14 April 2021
- “Establishing humanitarian lanes during COVID-19” (with Christopher Chen), East Asia Forum, 30 June 2020
- “Conceptualising Humanitarian Civil-Military Partnerships in the Asia-Pacific: (Re-)ordering Cooperation” (with Sangeetha Yogendran), Australian Outlook, 17 February 2020
- “Is ASEAN defence diplomacy key to resolving the humanitarian situation in Myanmar?”, Is ASEAN defence diplomacy key to resolving the humanitarian situation in Myanmar? , East Asia Forum, 9 August 2018
- “HUMTECH: A Help or Hindrance in Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination?” (with Martin Searle), HUMTECH: A Help or Hindrance in Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination?, Liaison X (1), 15 June 2018
- “Climate Change Adaptation: Beyond Greening Humanitarian Response” (with Margareth Sembiring), Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL) Climate Change Adaptation Platform, Faculty of Law, the National University of Singapore, 18 July 2017
- Alistair D. B. Cook, review of "International Law, US Power: The United States' Quest for Legal Security." by Shirley V. Scott, In Australian Journal of International Affairs 67:3, June 2013,pp. 375-376
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Smart Power Potential Under Xi Jinping." In East Asia Forum (7 March 2013)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Humanitarian Crisis Looms in Kachin Conflict: Implications for Myanmar's Reform Process." In LSE IDEAS (25 February 2013)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Asia-Pacific Regionalism and the Conflict Constraint." In Asian Journal of Public Affairs 6:1 (2013)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "The Sino-American Tightrope: A Balancing Act for Myanmar." In The Straits Times (21 September 2012)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Flashpoints of National Reconciliation in Myanmar." In AFG Venture Group Dispatches (June 2012)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Money in Myanmar At Last." In Asia 360 (6 April 2012)
- Alistair D. B. Cook and Bridget Welsh, "Myanmar's Road to Democracy." In The Straits Times (17 January 2012)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, "Recalibrating Intervention in Southeast Asia." In Journal of Defence Management 2.
- Alistair D. B. Cook and Priyanka Bhalla, "Preventing Mass Atrocities in Southeast Asia." In The Jakarta Post (15 June 2010)
- Alistair D. B. Cook and Priyanka Bhalla, "Preventing Mass Atrocities in Southeast Asia." In Brunei Times (16 June 2010)
- Alistair D. B. Cook, review of "Migration, Regional Integration and Human Security: The Formation and Maintenance of Transnational Spaces", by Harald Kleinschmidt (ed.), In Melbourne Journal of Politics 32, pp.141-143
- Alistair D. B. Cook, review of "The Politics of Protection: Sites of Insecurity and Political Agency", by Jef Huysmans, Andrew Dobson, and Raia Prokhovnik, In Melbourne Journal of Politics 31, pp.137-139.