Dr Muhammad Haniff Hassan
Dr Muhammad Haniff Hassan
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Dr Muhammad Haniff Bin Hassan is a Fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS). He holds a PhD in Strategic Studies from RSIS, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He received his early education at Aljunied Islamic School. He then pursued higher education at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and graduated with honours in Syar’iah and Civil Law. He is active in volunteer works as member of the Syariah Appeal Board under Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, the Association of Islamic Scholars and Religious Teachers Singapore (PERGAS), Board of Governance of Madrasah Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyah (Al-Irsyad Islamic School) and Political Film Advisory Committee under the Media Development Authority of Singapore. Some of his books are The Father of Jihad: `Abd Allah Azzam’s Jihad Ideas and Implications on National Security (2014), Criticism From Within Against Ideology of Al-Qaeda (translation to Malay and Bahasa Indonesia, 2012), Unlicensed to Kill: Countering Imam Samudra’s Justification for the Bali Bombing (English, Malay and Bahasa Indonesia, 2006), Moderation in Islam in the Context of Singapore Muslim Community (ed., in English and Malay, 2004), Muslim… Moderate… Singaporean (Malay and English, 2003).
Areas of Expertise
- Islamic Jurisprudence and Contemporary Issues
- Political Islam
- Islamic and da`wah Movements
- Moderation and Extremism Study
RSIS Publications
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA) - Volume 14 Issue 03
14 June, 2022
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA) - Volume 10, Issue 10
03 October, 2018
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA) - Volume 9, Issue 07
13 July, 2017
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA) - Volume 9, Issue 04
03 April, 2017
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 6, Issue 8
01 October, 2014
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 6, Issue 8
01 October, 2014
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 6, Issue 2
01 March, 2014
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 5, Issue 11
01 November, 2013
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 5, Issue 11
01 November, 2013
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 5, Issue 8
01 August, 2013
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 5, Issue 3
01 March, 2013
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 4, Issue 8
01 August, 2012
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 4, Issue 5
01 May, 2012
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 4, Issue 3
01 March, 2012
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 4, Issue 3
01 March, 2012
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA) - Volume 3, Special Issue
15 October, 2011
A Decade of Combating Radical Ideology: Learning from the Singapore Experience (2001-2011)
27 September, 2011
WP159 | Interpreting Islam On Plural Society
14 May, 2008
WP138 | Contextualizing Political Islam for Minority Muslims
24 September, 2007
CO12008 | The Arab People’s Uprising: The Jihadist Perspective
11 January, 2012
CO11104 | Osama’s demise and Zawahiri’s rise: Weakening of Al Qaeda
15 July, 2011
CO11094 | Abu Bakar Bashir’s Imprisonment: What Next?
22 June, 2011
CO11077 | Osama’s Burial: How It Should Have Been
12 May, 2011
CO11039 | Is al-Awlaki the No. 1 Enemy? Setting the Priorities Right
11 March, 2011
CO11037 | Solving the Libyan Quagmire: Exile Option for Gaddafi?
09 March, 2011
CO10085 | Jihadism Studies in Counter Ideology:Time for Initiation in Universities
28 July, 2010
CO10046 | 911 Conspiracy Theories: The Absent Perspectives
07 May, 2010
CO09114 | Counter Ideology: Role of Media Relations
16 November, 2009
CO09092 | Counter-Ideological Work: The Need for Intellectual Rigour
11 September, 2009
CO09030 | Abdullah Azzam: Would He Have Endorsed 9/11?
23 March, 2009
CO09019 | Counter-Ideology: Remaining Vigilant During Economic Slump
23 February, 2009
CO08126 | “Dramatising” Counter-Ideology
01 December, 2008
CO08116 | Bali Bombers' Pre-Execution Statement: How much Islamic weight?
05 November, 2008
CO08108 | Abu Bakar Bashir: Jihad or Tyranny of Leadership?
09 October, 2008
CO08093 | The Hollow Jihad: The Unrestricted Nature Of Al-Qaeda’s War
02 September, 2008
CO08062 | Online “Curriculum” of Jihad: Four Broad Themes
28 May, 2008
CO08016 | Communicating Counter-Ideology
19 February, 2008
11 January, 2008
CO07040 | Living In a Non-Muslim Country: Responding To The Idea of Hijrah (Migration)
18 May, 2007
CO07025 | Contextualising The Fiqh-or-law-of Jihad
03 April, 2007
CO07001 | Revisiting Dar Al-Islam (land of Islam) and Dar Al-Harb (land of War)
04 January, 2007
CO06108 | Refuting The ides of Jihad as a perpetual war between Muslims and Non-Muslims
06 October, 2006
CO06064 | THE MUMBAI RAIL BOMBINGS Explaining Kashmiri Groups’ Expanding Theatre Of Operation
17 July, 2006
CO06052 | Contesting Islamists’ Absolutism on the Islamic State
14 June, 2006
CO06036 | Towards an index of Islamic Governance
17 May, 2006
CO06009 | Recognising The Teachers of Religion: Some Food for Thought
07 February, 2006
CO06004 | Community-Based Initiatives Against JI By Singapore’s Muslim Community
16 January, 2006
CO05066 | Can Islam Be Contextualised ?
30 September, 2005
CO05063 | Islam, Pluralism & Multi-Culturalism
09 September, 2005
CO05055 | Saudi Arabia After Fahd: Prospects For Change and Reform
16 August, 2005
CO05027 | Robbery In The Name Of Jihad
30 May, 2005
CO05009 | Anti-Terror War: The Kingdom Strikes Back
02 March, 2005
CO05006 | Trouble in Thailand’s Muslim South: What a stronger Thaksin can do
07 February, 2005
CO04063 | The Fragmented Terrorist Organisation: Lesser or Larger Threat?
20 December, 2004
CO04053 | Islam Hadhari: Abdullah’s vision for Malaysia
26 October, 2004
CO04048 | Beslan School Massacre: Revenge in the name of Islam?
27 September, 2004
CO04044 | Madrasahs As Partners In The Ideological War Against Terrorism
17 September, 2004
CO04034 | The Fight Against Terror: Psychological Defence, Ideological Response
27 August, 2004
CO04011 | Osama Bin Laden’s Peace Overture: A strategic shift or a new threat ?
19 April, 2004
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses
Working Papers
RSIS Commentary Series
External Publications
Authored Books
- Kehidupan Bersama Antara Muslim Dengan Kaum Lain: Empat Model Dari Petunjuk Nabi s.a.w Bagi Meletak Asas dan Tujuan (Muslims’ Coexistence With Other Communities: Four Models From the Prophet to Provide Foundation and Objective) (with Sheikh Ali Jum'ah). Singapore: Madani Institute, 2024
- Perhaps You Would Reflect…. (with Iz Al-Munzir Muhammad Haniff). Singapore: Darul Tafsir Al-Khair Mosque, 2024
- Islamic Rulings and Modern Society: The Imperative Need for Re-contextualising Fatwas to Today’s Age (with Faheem Ahamad Syed Muhammad, and Iz Almunzir Muhammad Haniff). Singapore: Muhammadiyah Association (Singapore), 2024
- Tafsir `Ilmi Ayat-ayat Kauniyat MABIMS: Tumbuh-tumbuhan (MABIMS Scientific Commentary of the Qur’an Series – Verses on Plant). Brunei: MABIMS, Brunei Darussalam, 2023
- Pesanan Ilahi, Cerminkanlah (Reflecting, Divine Messages). Singapore: Al-Khair Mosque, 2023
- The Father of Jihad: `Abd Allah `Azzam’s Jihad Ideas and Implications to National Security. : World Scientific Publishing, 2014
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff and Ariefa Kusuma, trans. Kritikan Internal Terhadap Al-Qaeda (Bahaya dan Kesalahan Ideologinya. Jakarta: Lazuardi Birru, 2012.
- Kritikan Dari Dalam Terhadap Ideologi Al-Qaeda (Criticism from Within of Al-Qaeda Ideology). : , 2012
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, trans. Fiqh Minoriti Muslim: Perspektif Dua Ulama Kontemporari, Pustaka Nasional (Islamic Jurisprudence for Muslim Minority from the Perspective of Two Contemporary Scholars). Singapore: Pustaka Nasional, 2008.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. Bom Bali: Jihad atau Jenayah (translation of Unlicensed to Kill in Malay. Jakarta: Grafindo, 2007.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, trans. Pray to Kill (Translation of Unlicensed to Kill in Bahasa Indonesia). Jakarta: Grafindo, 2006.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. Unlicensed to Kill: Countering Imam Samudra’s Justification For the Bali Bombing. Singapore: Peace Matters, 2006.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. Fiqh Dakwah Dalam Al-Quran.Kuala Lumpur: IIFSO, 2004.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. Muslim… Moderate… Singaporean.Singapore: Alkhair Mosque Management Board and PERDAUS, 2003.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. Pesanan Perjuangan.Singapore: PERDAUS, 2001.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. Pandangan Umum Islam Terhadap Kesihatan & Perubatan.Singapore: PERDAUS, 2001.
Journal Articles
- “Examining Theological Justifications for Kadyrovite Chechens Fighting in Ukraine” (with Nodirbek Soliev) in Examining Theological Justifications for Kadyrovite Chechens Fighting in Ukraine, 2023
- “The Model Muslim Minority: Wasatiyah (Justly-Balanced) as a Counter-Ideology Tool in Singapore” (with Walid Jumblatt Abdullah) in Studies in Conflict and Terrorism., Online DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2022.2099240, 2022
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Zulkifli Mohamed Sultan. “Research Note: Inside Indonesian Online Library for Radical Materials.” Perspectives on Terrorism 4 (2012): 74-88.
Edited Books / Special Issues
- Meninjau Pemikiran Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji Dari Khutbah-khutbah Karangannya (A Look Into Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji’s Ideas From Collections of His Sermon) (with Mohamed Qusairy Thaha (ed.), and Mustazah Bahari (ed.)), Eds. Singapore: Pergas, 2023
- Countering Islamic State Ideology: Voices of Singapore Religious Scholars (with Rohan Gunaratna), Eds. Singapore: PERGAS, 2021
Chapters in Edited Books
- “Contextualisation of Islam in Singapore: Reviewing Quranic texts and Prophetic Narrations, in Past and Contemporary Applications” in Muhammad Haniff Bin Hassan, Contextualisation of Islam in Singapore: Reviewing Quranic texts and Prophetic Narrations, in Past and Contemporary Applications. Singapore: Muhammadiyah Association, 2024, NIL
- “Kenali Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji Dari Khutbah-khutbahnya (Getting to Know Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji’ Ideas From His Sermons)” in Muhammad Haniff Bin Hassan, Kenali Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji Dari Khutbah-khutbahnya (Getting to Know Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji’ Ideas From His Sermons). Singapore: Pergas, 2023, NIL
- “Kasih dan Rahmat Allah Kepada Manusia Mendahului Kewajipan Mereka TerhadapNya (God’s Mercy and Compassion to Man Supercede Their Duties to Him)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #99, 24 May 2024
- “Pendekatan Rasional Dalam Menangani Kemungkaran (Rational Approach in Preventing Evil)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #98, 10 May 2024
- “Muslim’s Role in Food Security”, Karyawan, 7 May 2024
- “Bagaimana Allah Taala Ajak Manusia Kepada Kebenaran (How God Invite Man To the Truth)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #97, 26 April 2024
- “Erti Beristighfar (The Meaning of Seeking Forgiveness From God)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #96, 12 April 2024
- “Anjuran Berminda Inkuisitif (Virtue of Inquisitive Mind)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #95, 1 April 2024
- “Waspada Akan Sifat Subjektif Akal Manusia, (Be Mindful of Subjective Nature of Human’s Mind)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #94, 15 March 2024
- “Is the Quran Perfectly Preserved and Unchanged?”, Muslim.SG, 7 March 2024
- “Contoh Pemimpin Yang Bertanggungjawab (Example of A Responsible Leader)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #93, 1 March 2024
- “Pelajaran Tentang Persiapan Diri dan Sasaran Dakwah (Lesson on Da`wah Preparation and Audience)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #92, 16 February 2024
- “Allah Suka Sifat Rahmat Yang Inklusif (God Prefers Inclusive Compassion)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #91, 2 February 2024
- “Mencegah Kemungkaran Tidak Mesti Bersifat Personal (Forbidding Evin Need Not Be Personal)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #90, 19 January 2024
- “Imej Positif Dalam Berdakwah (Positive Image in Da`wah)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #89, 5 January 2024
- “Berhukum Dengan Sunnah Nabi s.a.w Dalam Konteks Hari Ini (Obeying the Prophet in Today’s Context)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #88, 22 December 2023
- “Lain Orang, Lain Bicara (Contextualising Speech to Audience)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #87, 8 December 2023
- “Memudahkan Penganut Agama Lain Beribadah Adalah Ajaran Islam (Facilitating Non-Muslims to Practicing Their Religion is Islamic Teaching)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #86, 24 November 2023
- “Mencontohi Allah taala Sebagai Penguasa Yang Maha Gagah (Emulating God the Most Powerful)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #85, 10 November 2023
- “Beridentiti Yang Jelas Dalam Dakwah (Be Transparent With Our Identity When Doing Da`Wah)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #84, 27 October 2023
- “Getting to Know the Late Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji Via His Sermons”, Karyawan, vol. 18, no. 4, 17 October 2023
- “Mukjizat Al-Quran – Anggota Tubuh Manusia Berkata-kata Di Akhirat (Miracle of the Qur’an – Human’s Body Parts Speak in the Afterlife)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #83, 13 October 2023
- “Ketelitian Dalam Mengadili Manusia (Prudence in Judging Others)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #82, 29 September 2023
- “Mengungkit-ungkit Sumbangan Dalam Dakwah (Prohibition of Boasting Our Charity)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #81, 15 September 2023
- “Muslim Tapi Bukan Mukmin (Muslim, But Not a Believer Yet)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #80, 1 September 2023
- “Larangan Mengintip (Prohibition of Spying)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #79, 18 August 2023
- “Larangan Mengumpat (Prohibition of Backbiting)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #78, 4 August 2023
- “Jauhi Bersangka-sangka (Zon) Yang Dilarang (Avoid Prejudice and Baseless Speculation)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #77, 21 July 2023
- “Adab Berbicara: Jauhi Perbuatan Mengejek dan Memberi Gelaran Buruk (Communication Ethics: Avoid From Name-calling and Mocking Others)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #76, 7 July 2023
- “Panduan Al-Quran Bagi Tangani Konflik (Quranic Guidance on Managing Conflict)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #75, 16 June 2023
- “Powerful Conversations Between A Father and A Son: Lessons from Prophet Ibrahim a.s and Prophet Ismail a.s.”, Muslim.SG, 15 June 2023
- “Panduan Tentang Menerima dan menyebarkan Maklumat (Quranic Guidance on Accepting and Sharing Information)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #74, 2 June 2023
- “Adab Berbicara – Hendaklah Bersuara Rendah (Ethics of Conversation – Low the Voice)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #73, 19 May 2023
- “Satu Ayat Dalam Al-Quran Bagi Menjadi Muslim Yang Baik (Be a Good Muslim By a Verse of the Qur’an)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #72, 5 May 2023
- “Anjuran Melihat Sesuatu Dengan Pendekatan Membeza-bezakan (Value of Differentiated Approach When Looking at Issue)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #71, 21 April 2023
- “Al-Quran Memberi Nilai Pada Pengetahuan Terperinci (The Qur’an Values Detailed Knowledge)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #70, 7 April 2023
- “Leaders – From Hero to Zero”, Karyawan, vol. 18, no. 2, 2 April 2023
- “Pelajaran Dari Kisah Nabi Ibrahim Mencari Tuhan (Lessons for the Story of Prophet Ibrahim Seeking of God”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #69, 16 March 2023
- “Perumpamaan Dalam Al-Quran (Metaphors in the Qur’an)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #68, 3 March 2023
- “Berhati-hati Dengan Dakwaan Atas Nama Tuhan dan Agama (Be Careful With Any Claim in the Name of God of Religion)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #67, 17 February 2023
- “Galakan Untuk Berkerja Secara Berjemaah / Berorganisasi (Virtue of Teamwork)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #66, 3 February 2023
- “Memberi Peluang Kepada Mereka Yang Pernah Tersilap (Giving New Chances to Those Who Have Sinned)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #65, 20 January 2023
- “Panduan Al-Quran Tentang Menjadi Ilmuwan, Menghukum dan Membuat Keputusan (The Qur`an’s Tips on Being Learned Person and Making Judgment and Decision)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #64, 7 January 2023
- “Berfikiran Jauh Yang Menjangkau Beberapa Generasi Akan Datang (Be Far-sighted Beyond Few Future Generations)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir, #63, 17 December 2022
- “Pelajaran Kepimpinan (Khususnya Kepimpinan Rumahtangga) (Leadership Lessons [In Particular, Leadership in Family])”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir, #62, 2 December 2022
- “Dakwah, Pendapat Umum dan Perubahan Sosial (Da`wah, Public Opinion and Social Change)”, Wasat, # 46, 1 December 2022
- “Dahulukan Yang Positif dan Baik-baik Dalam Berdakwah (Give Priority to Positive Message in Da`wah)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #61, 18 November 2022
- “Keajaiban Pada Frasa ‘Ma Bainahuma [Ciptaan Antara Langit dan Bumi]’ (Amazing Facts in ‘Ma Bainahuma [Creations Between Sky and Earth]’ Phrase in the Qur’an)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #60, 4 November 2022
- “Beberapa “Tips” Keibubapaan Dalam Al-Quran (Parenting Tips in the Qur’an)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #59, 21 October 2022
- “Peraturan Apabila Bertindak Balas Terhadap Kezaliman/Kejahatan (Rules of Engagement When Responding to Injustices)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #58, 7 October 2022
- “Sikap dan Tindak Balas Terhadap Kezaliman/Kejahatan Orang Lain (Responding to Injustices)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #57, 16 September 2022
- “Enjoining Good and Forbidding Wrong”, Muslim.Sg, 7 September 2022
- “Jangan Lupa Bakti Kepada Ibu Bapa Kerana Sibuk Dalam Dakwah dan Kerja Masyarakat (Don’t Neglect Duties to Parent Due to Community Works)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #56, 2 September 2022
- “Mengetahui Kebenaran Tidak memadai Untuk Menerima dan Mengamalkannya (Knowing Truth Not Enough For Believing and Practicing It)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #55, 19 August 2022
- “Kepentingan Menggandingkan Sifat “Rahmah” dan “Rusyd” Dengan Sifat Berilmu (Importance of Compassion and Maturity With Knowledge)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #54, 5 August 2022
- “Ilmu Sebagai Piawai Dalam Pendidikan Anak (Knowledge as Important Standard in Children’s Up-bringing)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #53, 22 July 2022
- “Didik Anak Jadi Pemimpin (Develop Our Children as Leaders)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #52, 13 July 2022
- “Islam. Identiti dan Perkauman (Islam, Identity and Racism)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #51, 24 June 2022
- “Agar Dijauhkan Dari Sifat Mengagungkan Diri Sendiri (Avoid Self-glorification)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #50, 10 June 2022
- “Memahami Al-Quran Sebagai Kitab Hikmah (Al-Qur’an as a Book of Wisdom)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #49, 27 May 2022
- “Kesolehan Muslim Bukan Hanya Pada Kerohaniannya Sahaja (Good Muslim is Not Only Good Spiritually)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #48, 13 May 2022
- “Sikap Positif Al-Quran Terhadap Wanita (The Qur’an’s Positive Stand Towards Woman)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #47, 29 April 2022
- “Hargai Jasa dan Budi Seseorang Walaupun Dia Seorang Yang Jahat (Be Grateful to Those Who Have Been Kind to Us Even Though He is Not Righteous)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #46, 15 April 2022
- “Su’ Al-Khatimah (Mati Yang Buruk) Tidak Mesti Menimpa Penentang Kebenaran Yang Tegar (Evil-ending May Not Be the Fate of Hardcore Anti-Truth Proponent)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #45, 1 April 2022
- “Kemusnahan Setelah Kemuncak Kejayaan (Fall At the Height of Achievement)”, Mimbar Darul tafsir #44, 18 March 2022
- “Buktikan Kebenaran Dengan Tindakan (Proving Truth By Action)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir #43 , 4 March 2022
- “Pesanan Ramadan (Ramadan Messages)”, Al-Istiqamah Mosque, 28 February 2022
- “Tangani Stres Dengan Tidur (Overcoming Stress With Sleep)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir, 18 February 2022
- “Kisah Dua Hamba Yang Khilaf (Story of Two Persons Who Had Wronged Themselves)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir, 4 February 2022
- “Pilihan Untuk Beriman Atau Tidak (Freedom to Choose Whether to Believe or Not)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir (Al-Khair Mosque), 21 January 2022
- “Adab for Muslims When Using the Handphone Camera”, Karyawan (AMP), 14 January 2022
- “A Wasatiyyah Approach to Understanding Theological Absolutism”, Pergas, 10 January 2022
- “Pendekatan Wasatiyyah Dalam Memahami Absolutisme Dalam Beragama (A Wasatiyyah Approach to Understanding Theological Absolutism)”, Pergas, 10 January 2022
- “Masalah Psikologi dan Minda Dalam Kerja Dakwah (Psychological and Mindset Problems in Da`wah Work)”, Suara Istiqamah (Al-Istiqamah Mosque), 10 January 2022
- “Dakwah Hendaklah Fokus Pada Idea, Hujah Rasional dan Membina Keyakinan, Bukan Serangan Peribadi dan Membuat Ugutan (Da`wah Should Focus on Ideas and Rational Arguments, Not Personal Attack and Making Threat)”, Mimbar Darul Tafsir (Al-Khair Mosque), 5 January 2022
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Mustazah Bahari. “Tiada dalil sahih bagi sokong hadis berkaitan panji hitam, Panji hitam tiada asas dalam Al-Quran.” Berita Harian, 31 August, 2014.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Konflik Gaza berpihak pada Palestin.” Berita Harian, 2 August, 2014.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Islam anjurkan pemikiran inovatif.” Berita Harian, 15 June, 2014.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Ambil iktibar dari peristiwa Hijrah.” Berita Harian, 8 November, 2013.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Berkhidmat untuk insan sejagat.” Berita Harian, 13 October, 2013.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Wajibkah Muslim perjuangkan tanah yang pernah mereka miliki? (bah. 2).” Berita Harian,16 August, 2013.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Semak fahaman jihad tradisi (bah. 1).” Berita Harian, 15 August, 2013.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Mobilisasi Jihad (bah. 2): Dasar luar juga beri kesan.” Berita Harian,11 July, 2013.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Mobilisasi Jihad (bah. 1): Idea tak semesti kunci kejayaan.” Berita Harian,10 July, 2013.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Positif dalam hubungan insani.” Berita Harian, 2 July, 2013.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Tradisi: Nak tolak atau terima?” Berita Minggu, 9 June, 2013.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Mengenali kebenaran yang mutlak.” Berita Harian, 26 April, 2013.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Bangkit peranan nadi umat serantau.” Berita Harian, 2 November, 2012.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Pelajaran kebapaan dari perintah korban.” Berita Harian, 21 October, 2012.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Berfikiran luas hadapi musibah.” Berita Harian,12 October, 2012.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Apabila ahli keluarga tidak soleh....” Berita Harian,23 September, 2012.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Bersikap terbuka demi menimba ilmu.” Berita Harian, 14 September, 2012.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Keutamaan antara hak Allah dan hak insan.” Berita Harian, 4 May, 2012.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Agar keputusan berpandu Syariah.” Berita Harian, 12 April, 2012.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Zulkifli Mohamed Sultan. “Terjemahan bahan radikal Indonesia.” Berita Harian, 29 February, 2012.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Zulkifli Mohamed Sultan. “Gejolak Mesir: Reaksi Penjihad.” Berita Harian,14 January, 2012.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Zulkifli Mohamed Sultan. “Pupuk masyarakat lawan pelampau.” Berita Harian,15 October, 2011
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Islam tidak larang wanita jadi pengerusi masjid.” Berita Harian,8 October, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Zulkifli Mohamed Sultan. “Langkah sesudah wacana pelampau.” Berita Harian,5 October, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Muhammad Saiful Adli Ayob. “Tangani dwiancaman Al-Qaeda Pusat.” Berita Harian,25 July, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Nur Azlin Mohamed Yasin. “Sesudah Abu Bakar Baashir dihukum.” Berita Harian,25 June, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Zulkifli Mohamed Sultan. “Pengebumian Osama: Bagaimana ia harus dijalankan.” Berita Harian,16 May, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Zulkifli Mohamed Sultan. “Controversy over burial could have been avoided.” The Straits Times,16 May, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Nur Azlin Mohamed Yasin. “Al-Awlaki tidak sehebat sangkaan AS.” Berita Harian,14 March, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Adab berdakwah secara lunak.” Berita Harian, 25 February, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Mengamal dakwah penuh hormat.” Berita Harian,18 February, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Mohamed Redzuan Salleh. “Pengganas Terpinggir Dalam Gejolak Mesir.” Berita Harian,14 February, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and V. Arianti. “Apabila penjara gagal pulih pesalah terror.” Berita Harian, 17 January, 2011.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Menilai semua faktor Mas Selamat lolos.” Berita Harian,29 November, 2010.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Afif Pasuni. “Batas daya kita tangkis pengganasan.” Berita Harian,11 October, 2010.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Mohamed Redzuan Salleh. “Meluaskan pengajian jihad songsang.” Berita Harian, 2 August, 2010.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff, and Mohamed Redzuan Salleh. “Research and ideas needed to counter jihadism.” The Straits Times,31 July, 2010.
- Hassan, Muhammad Haniff. “Meluruskan Jalan Menimba Ilmu.” Berita Harian,4 June, 2010.
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