Dr Paul Hedges
Dr Paul Hedges
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- Biography
- Areas of Expertise
- Professional Activities
- RSIS Publications
- External Publications
- Teaching Modules
Paul Hedges is a Life Member of Clare Hall, Cambridge, UK, and Professor of Interreligious Studies in NTU. He has worked at, or lectured in, various universities in the UK, mainland Europe, Asia, and North America. He frequently works with stakeholders outside academia, including the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Ministry of Community, Culture and Youth (MCCY, Singapore), the Anglican Communion Network for Interfaith Concerns (NIFCON), the Dialogue Society (UK), Netflix, and the BBC.
He is co-editor of Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, editor-in-chief of the Occasional Paper series Interreligious Relations, and sits on the editorial board of numerous journal and book series. He works in such areas as interreligious studies, theory and method in the study of religion, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, prejudice studies, theological studies, and decolonising academia. He has published fifteen books and over ninety scholarly papers, including Christian Polytheism? Polydox Theologies of Multi-devotional and Decolonial Praxis (Routledge 2024), Understanding Religion: Theories and Methods for Studying Religiously Diverse Societies (University of California Press 2021), and Religious Hatred: Prejudice, Islamophobia, and Antisemitism in Global Context (Bloomsbury 2021).
Areas of Expertise
Interreligious Studies:
- Interreligious Relations in Plural Societies.
- Histories (C19th-today) of Interreligious Encounters.
- Theories of Interreligious Encounters and Dialogue.
- Interreligious Ethics.
Modern and Contemporary Christian Thought:
- Theologies of Religions in Global Context.
- Intercultural and Comparative Theologies.
Theory in the Study of Religion and Theology:
- Definitions of Religion and Debates around Postcolonialism.
Other Areas:
- Sacred Space, Religious Architecture, and Pilgrimage.
- Death Studies and Religion.
- Religions in East, South, and Southeast Asia.
Professional Activities
Panel of Experts, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Virginia Theological Seminary, USA: Deanery Visiting Scholar Bursary, 2014.
Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK.
Associate Scholar, Centre of Religions for Peace and Reconciliation, University of Winchester, UK. (Patron: Abp John Sentamu; partner organizations: Religions for Peace International, New York, USA, and St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, London, UK).
Membership of Academic Socities includes: Executive Committee Member, Australian Association for the Study of Religion, 2010 – 2013; member, American academy of Religion; member, European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies.
Journal Editing: Editorial Board, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 2014 – 2019; Editorial Board, Journal of Religious History, 2008 – present; Co-editor, Australian Religion Studies Review (from 2013: Journal for the Academic Study of Religion), 2010-2013.
External examiner/ assessor for various degree programmes, revalidation events, research degree examination, etc.
Research funding and awards include: ‘Promising Researcher Grant’ (c. 8,500GBP), 2007-2008; World Congress of Faiths conference grant with matching funding (c. 2,600 GBP), 2012-2013; British Society for the Philosophy of Religion Public Lecture Grant, 2011-2012; Bruce Mansfield Prize for best paper in Journal of Religious History (Wiley-Blackwell) 2008-2009 for ‘Post-Colonialism, Orientalism, and Understanding:Religious Studies and the ChristianMissionary Imperative’.
RSIS Publications
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA) - Volume 9, Issue 10
23 October, 2017
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA) - Volume 9, Issue 10
23 October, 2017
WP294 | In Defence of Freedom of Speech and against the Publication of Certain Cartoons
30 October, 2015
“Every religion is a way to God”: Did the Pope Depart from Catholic Teaching?
24 September, 2024
The Pope’s State Address: A Message by a Head of State or a Religious Leader?
16 September, 2024
Unpacking the UK’s Recent Riots
22 August, 2024
Religious Offence: Artistic Expression, Unforeseen Reactions, and Identity Politics
15 August, 2024
Singapore’s Protection of Minorities: Religious Freedom and State Management
17 April, 2024
Navigating Inclusivity and Exclusivity in Inter-Religious Relations
09 January, 2024
Antisemitism-Islamophobia: Labels, Accusations, and Prejudice in the Israel-Hamas War
01 December, 2023
Lived Secularity: Religious Living in a Secular Age
25 September, 2023
Understanding the Non-Religious Demographic: Non-Aligned and not just Non-Religion
07 July, 2023
Antisemitism in Europe: Should We Worry?
25 November, 2022
Christianity as the Background Music of Europe’s Far-Right: Fascism, Identitarianism, Antisemitism, and Islamophobia
15 November, 2022
Inside ICCS: Building on Success from 2019 to 2022
05 September, 2022
Christian Far-Right Extremism: Theology and Typology
17 May, 2022
Rise of Violent Christian Extremism: Whither Inter-Religious Ties?
11 February, 2021
Hagia Sophia: The Meaning of Ottoman Symbolism
19 August, 2020
Hagia Sophia as Mosque or Museum: Religion in a Post-Secular World
14 July, 2020
The Global BLM Movement: Public Memorials and Neo-Decolonisation?
22 June, 2020
UK Elections: Jeremy Corbyn, Anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia
02 January, 2020
How to Build Cohesive Societies
24 June, 2019
Sri Lankan Attacks and Inter-Communal Relations
13 May, 2019
Plural Traditions in Plural Societies: Inclusivity in Inter-Religious Dialogue
02 January, 2019
CO18094 | Religion and Conflict: The Myth of Inevitable Collision
06 June, 2018
CO18045 | Countering the Far-Right
16 March, 2018
CO17167 | Challenging Islamophobia: Attitudes to Islamic Immigration
13 September, 2017
CO17104 | What Is (Wrong With) Radicalisation? A Response to Manchester Bombing
25 May, 2017
CO17101 | Religious Offence, Public Order, and the Law
22 May, 2017
CO17053 | Responding to Religiously-Inspired Terror: Mayor Saddiq Khan on the London Attacks
24 March, 2017
CO16222 | Setting the Scene: Interreligious Dialogue in Plural Societies
02 September, 2016
CO16219 | Fashion, Feminism or Freedom: Dissecting France’s Ban on Burkini
29 August, 2016
CO16195 | Not a Religious War: Reacting to Killing of French Catholic Priest
28 July, 2016
CO16117 | Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Religio-Political Fault Lines in Secular Democracies
18 May, 2016
CO16070 | The Need for Global Solidarity with Muslims
01 April, 2016
CO16047 | Trump, Madonna and Faith: The Role of Religious Leaders in Common Space
29 February, 2016
CO16034 | Rape and Murder among Refugees: A Crisis Point for Europe’s Immigration Policy?
15 February, 2016
CO15232 | Religion and Society: Of Hindu Extremists, Cows, and Muslims
30 October, 2015
CO15224 | The Islamisation of Europe: Myth or Reality?
22 October, 2015
C015171 | Discussing Religious Freedom: Need for Religious Literacy
17 August, 2015
CO15154 | Yoga and Violence: International Yoga Day and Indian Religious Politics
20 July, 2015
CO15129 | The British Election: Some Possible International Consequences
02 June, 2015
CO15060 | When is a Caliph not a Caliph?
19 March, 2015
CO15012 | Islamism, Radical Islam, Jihadism: The Problem of Language and Islamophobia
15 January, 2015
Interreligious Relations (IRR) Issue 16 - Conceptualising Social Cohesion in Relation to Religious Diversity: Sketching a Pathway in a Globalised World by Paul Hedges
11 May, 2020
Interreligious Relations (IRR) Issue 1 - Interreligious Marriage: Perspectives from the Singaporean Context in Relation to Interreligious Dialogue
01 February, 2019
Interreligious Relations (IRR) Issue 1 - Interreligious Marriage: Perspectives from the Singaporean Context in Relation to Interreligious Dialogue
01 February, 2019
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses
Working Papers
RSIS Commentary Series
Interreligious Relations
External Publications
Authored Books
- Christian Polytheism? Polydox Theologies of Multi-devotional and Decolonial Praxis. : Routledge, 2024
- Religious Hatred: Prejudice, Islamophobia and Antisemitism in Global Context. UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021
- Understanding Religion: Theories and Methods for Studying Religiously Diverse Societies. US: University of California Press, 2021
- Comparative Theology: Critical and Methodological Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, 2017
- Towards Better Disagreement: Religion and Atheism in Dialogue. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016
- 2010, Controversies in Interreligious Dialogue and the Theology of Religions, Controversies in Contextual Theology series, London: SCM Press, 287pp.
- 2001, Preparation and Fulfilment: A History and Study of Fulfilment Theology in Modern British Thought in the Indian Context, Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity series, Bern: Peter Lang, 426pp.
Journal Articles
- ““Art and/as Religious Syncretic Border Crossing: Beyond the World Religions Paradigm and the Religion/Culture Divide in Museums and Interreligious Studies”” in Journal of Interreligious studies, 41, 113, 2024, pp 113-27
- “Discovering ‘Religion’: Nineteenth Century Colonial Attitudes Towards Religious Identity and Difference in Southeast Asia” (with Dr Farish Noor) in Journal of Intercultural Studies , 2023. pp 1-19
- ““The Performance of Interreligious Dialogue in the Realm of International Relations: A Critical Reflection,”” in "The Performance of Interreligious Dialogue in the Realm of International Relations: A Critical Reflection,”, 25, 2023, pp 52-70
- “Is Interreligious Dialogue in International Relations “Dialogue-Washing” for Authoritarian Regimes? An Exploration of KAICIID and ICCS as Track 1.5 Diplomacy” in Review of Faith and International Affairs, 21, 2, 2023, pp. 67-82
- “The Performance of Interreligious Dialogue in the Realm of International Relations: A Critical Reflection” in Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religion , 25, 2023, pp. 52-70
- “Reflection: Rethinking the Possibility and Meaning of Dialogue in a Globalised and Religiously Diverse World: A Mid-Covid Perspective from Southeast Asia” in Journal of Dialogue Studies , 9, 2022, pp. 228-35
- “Why the Theology Without Walls Program Fails Both as Scholarship and a Resource to the SBNR: A Friendly Condemnation” in Journal of Interreligious Studies , 34, 2022, pp. 18-33
- “Theology With & Without Walls, Scholarship With & Without Walls, and Decolonization With & Without Walls: A Rejoinder to Rory D. McEntee” in Journal of Interreligious Studies , 35, 2022, pp. 80-99
- “Islamophobia in Singapore and/ vs Western Islamophobia: the state, colonialism, and the Muslim experience” in The Melbourne Asia Review, 10, 2022
- “How to Think Theologically after Covid-19?: Some Reflections and Pointers on Jesus as Philosopher” in The South Asian Journal of Religion and Philosophy , 2, 1, 2021, pp. 1-15
- “Lived Religion as Hermeneutical Comparative Theology: Employing Shiva Nataraja (Lord of the Dance) Imagery in Christian Art and Music” in CrossCurrents , 71, 2, 2021, pp.156-74
- “Westcott and the Cambridge Tradition of Fulfilment Theology” in Japan Mission Journal , 75, 3, 2021, pp. 156-70
- “Theorising a Decolonising Asian Hermeneutic for Comparative Theology: Some Perspectives from Global and Singaporean Eyes,” in International Journal of Asian Christianity Special Issue: ‘Comparative Theology in Asia, 3, 2, 2020, pp. 152-68
- “White Jesus and Antisemitism: Towards an Anti-Racist and Decolonial Christology’” in Current Dialogue (The Ecumenical Review) , 72, 5, 2020, pp. 777-96
- “The Secular Realm as Interfaith Space: Discourse and Practice in Contemporary Multicultural Nation-States” in Religions, 10.9.498, 2019, pp. 1-15
- “‘The Harmony of Confucianism and Christianity? Reflections on a Dialogue in South Korea’” in Interreligious Insight , 16, 1, 2018, pp. 18-31
- “Encounters with Ultimacy? Autobiographical and Critical Perspectives in the Academic Study of Religion” in Open Theology 4, special edition: ‘Recognizing Encounters with Ultimacy across Religious Boundaries, 2018, pp. 355-72
- “`The Deconstruction of Religion: So What Next in the Debate?’” in The Journal of Implicit Religion , 20, 4, 2018, pp. 385-96.
- “Deconstructing Religion: Where we go from Here – a Hermeneutical Proposal” in Exchange Special Edition: ‘Deconstructing Religion, 47, 1, 2018, pp. 5-24
- “Can Interreligious Dialogue Provide a New Space for Deliberative Democracy in the Public Sphere?: Philosophical Perspectives from the Examples of the UK and Singapore” in Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology , 2, 1, 2018, pp. 5-25
- “Multiple Religious Belonging after Religion: Theorising Strategic Religious Participation in a Shared Religious Landscape as a Chinese Model’, Open Theology” in Multiple Religious Belonging’ special edition, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2017, pp. 48-72
- “Radicalisation: Examining a Concept, its Use, and Abuse” in Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis , Vol. 9, No. 10, 2017, pp. 12-18
- “`Should Interfaith and Interreligious Dialogue include Atheists? Towards an Interworldview Perspective’” in Interreligious Insight , Vol 15, No.1, 2017, pp. 38-47
- “The Dialogue of Religion and Atheism in Common Space: reasoning in the public sphere” in Interreligious Insight, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2017, pp. 58-72
- “Gadamer, Play, and Interreligious Dialogue as the Opening of Horizons” in Journal of Dialogue Studies , Vol.4, 2016, pp. 5-26
- “Towards an Anglican Theology of Buddhism: Mutual Flourishing and Generous Love” in Studies in Interreligious Dialogue , Vol. 26, No. 1, 2016, pp. 37-56
- 2016 ‘The Body(Sattva) on the Cross: A Comparative Theological Investigation of The Theology of the Cross in the Light of Chinese Mahayana Suffering Bodhisattvas’, Journal of Buddhist-Christian Studies.
- 2016 ‘Comparative Theology and Hermeneutics: A Gadamerian Approach to Interreligious Interpretation’, Religions 7.1.
- 2015 (With Anna Halafoff) ‘Globalisation and Multifaith Societies’, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, ‘Multifaith Societies’ Special Edition.
- 2015 ‘Burning for a Cause: Four Factors in Successful Political (and Religious) Self-Immolation Examined in Relation to Alleged Falun Gong “Fanatics” in Tiananmen Square’ Politics and Religion
- 2014, ‘Discourse on Discourses: Why we still need the Terminology of “Religion” and “Religions”’, Journal of Religious History, 38:1, pp. 132-48.
- 2014, ‘Daoist-Christian Dialogue: An Overview’, Interreligious Insight, 12:1, pp. 28-38.
- 2014, ‘Interreligious Engagement and Identity Theory: Assessing the Theology of Religions Typology as a Model for Dialogue and Encounter’, Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 27.2, 198-21.
- 2014, ‘Remembering and the Creation of (Sacred) Place: Glastonbury, (Anglican) Christian Theology, and Identity (in Post-modernity)’, The Journal of Implicit Religion, 17.3.
- 2014, ‘The Rhetoric and Reception of John Milbank’s Radical Orthodoxy: Privileging Prejudice in Theology?’, Open Theology, 1, pp. 22-44.
- 2012, ‘Guanyin and Identity: The Image of a Subversive Religious Icon’, Religion and Culture, 13:1, pp. 91-106.
- 2012, ‘The Old and the New Comparative Theologies: Discourses on Religion, the Theology of Religions, Orientalism and the Boundaries of Traditions’, Religions, 3:4, pp. 1120-37.
- 2010, ‘Is John Milbank’s Radical Orthodoxy a Form of Liberal Theology? A Rhetorical Counter’, The Heythrop Journal, 51:5, pp. 795-818.
- 2008, ‘Post-Colonialism, Orientalism, and Understanding: Religious Studies and the Christian Missionary Imperative’, The Journal of Religious History, 32: 1 (March), pp. 55-75
- 2008, ‘Are Interfaith Dialogue and a Global Ethic Compatible? A Call for an Ethic to the Globe,’ The Journal for Faith, Spirituality and Social Change, 1: 2 (May), pp. 109-32.
- 2008, ‘Concerns about the Global Ethic: A Sympathetic Critique and Suggestions for a New Direction’, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 18: 1 (Fall), pp. 1-16.
- 2006, ‘Defining Religion: A Religious Orientation Typology’, Part 2, Interreligious Insight, 4: 4 (Oct), pp. 34-42.
- 2004, ‘A Post-modern Reading of John Hick’s Pluralistic Hypothesis’, Interreligious Insight, 2: 2. (April), pp. 44-55.
- 2002, ‘The Inter-Relationship of Religions: A Critical Examination of the Concept of Particularity’, World Faiths Encounter, July, pp. 3-13.
- “Architecture, Inculturation and Christian Mission: The Buildings of the Cambridge Mission to Delhi, and Their Meaning for the Church Today” in International Review of Mission, Vol. 89, No. 353 (April), 2000, pp. 180-189
Edited Books / Special Issues
- Twenty-First Century Theologies of Religions: Retrospection and Future Prospects (with Elizabeth Harris, and Shanthi Hettiarachchi), Eds. Leiden: Brill, 2016
- 2015, Contemporary Muslim-Christian Encounters: Developments, Diversity and Dialogues, London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- 2014, September, General Editor: Controversies in Contemporary Religion (3 volumes), Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger
- 2009, Co-editor with Alan Race: Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, SCM Reader Series, London: SCM Press, 302pp.
- 2008, Co-editor with Alan Race: Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, Core Textbook Series, London: SCM Press, 332pp.
Chapters in Edited Books
- “Book Chapter “Does Perry Schmidt-Leukel Have a Theory of Interreligious Dialogue? On Interreligious Theology as Dialogical Activity,’ in Beyond Boundaries: Essays on Theology, Dialogue, and Religion in Honour of Perry Schmidt‐Leukel” in eds, Melanie Barbarto, Madlen Krüger, Mathias Schneider, and Fabian Völker, Beyond Boundaries: Essays on Theology, Dialogue, and Religion in Honour of Perry Schmidt‐Leukel. Germany : Münster: Waxmann, 2024, pp. 163-72.
- ““Liberating White Jesus: A Palestinian Liberation Theology Approach to Tackling Racism, Antisemitism, and Colonialism in Christology,” in What Christ? Whose Christ?” in eds, Alan Race and Jonathan Clatworthy, , What Christ? Whose Christ?. Durham UK: Sacristy Press, 2024, pp. 150-72.
- ““Interreligious Dialogue as a Field of Study,” in Religious Studies in Interfaith Contexts” in ed. Martin Rotting, Religious Studies in Interreligious Contexts. Vienna: Lit Verlag, 2023, pp. 43-67
- “Protection against religious hatred” (with Luca Farrow) in Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Carla M Zoethout, eds, Freedom of Religion and Religious Pluralism. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2023, pp 168-91
- “Identity, Prejudice, and Mysticism: Exploring Sustainable Narratives of Peace Across Religious Borders’” in Muhammad Shaiq, ed.,, Mystical Traditions: Approaches to Peaceful Coexistence. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, pp 223-39
- “Hope as Liberative Praxis: Comparative Theological Reflections on Buddhist and Christian Discourses, Terms, and Practice” in Anne Hege Grung, Yaser Ellethy, Henry Jansen, and Matthew Ryan, eds, Sacred Protest, ‘Currents of Encounter’ series. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2023, Nil
- “‘Religion’” in Philip Ziegler, ed., Edinburgh Critical History of Twentieth Century Christian Theology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022, pp. 140-62
- “Comparative Theology and the Science of Religion: The Nineteenth Century till Today” in Wilhelmus Pim Valkenberg, ed, Brill Handbook on Comparative Theology. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2022, pp50-68
- “What kind of dialogue is there between atheists and religious people?” in Teemu Taira, ed, Atheism in Five Minutes. Sheffield: Equinox, 2022, pp75-8
- “‘Interreligious Studies, Law, and Freedom of Religion and Belief’” (with Liu Yue) in Georgetown Companion to Interreligious Studies, Lucinda Mosher, ed. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2022, pp. 99-107
- “Racial and Religious Harmony in a Small State: Singapore’s Experience” (with Mohammad Alami Musa) in Tommy Koh, ed, Small States in a Big World, Singapore. Singapore : Straits Times Publishing, 2022, pp 216 -21
- “Strategic religious participation in a shared religious landscape: a model for Westerners?” in Jerry L. Martin, ed., , Theology Without Walls. London: Routledge, 2020, pp. 165-71
- “Decolonising Interreligious Studies” in Hans Gustafson, ed., , Interreligious Studies: Dispatches from a Field. Waco: Texas: Baylor University Press, 2020, pp 164-70
- “Framing Cohesive Societies: Some Initial Remarks and Ways Ahead” in Jolene Jerard and Amanda Huan; eds, Faith, Identity, Cohesion: Building a Better Future. Singapore and London: World Scientific, 2020, pp 191-202
- “‘The Interfaith Movement in Singapore: Precarious Toleration and Embedded Autonomy’” (with Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib) in John Fahy and Jan-Jonathan Bock, eds,, The Interfaith Movement. London and New York: Routledge, 2019, pp139-56
- “‘Rethinking Freedom of Religion and Belief in Singapore: An Afterword Looking Forward’” in Otmar Oehring, ed., The Tension Between Tolerance, Harmony of Religions, and Freedom of Religion,. Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2019, pp71-87
- “Anglican Interfaith Relations from 1910 to the C21st’” in Rowan Strong, ed., The Oxford History of Anglicanism, volume 5: ‘The C20th’. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 76-97
- “‘Texts as Places of Sacred Meeting: Towards an Ethic for Comparative and Interreligious Readings and Transgressions’” in Ulrich Winkler, Lidia Rodriguez, and Oddbjørn Leirvik, eds, Contested Spaces, Common Ground, ‘Currents of Encounter’ series. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2017, pp 18-32
- 2016 ‘The Theology of Religions Typology Defended: what it can and cannot do’, in Elizabeth Harris, Paul Hedges, and Shanthi Hettiarachchi (eds), Twenty-First Century Theologies of Religions: Retrospection and New Frontiers, Currents of Encounter series, Leiden: E. J. Brill/ Rodopi.
- 2016 ‘What did Kierkegaard Intend? On the Ethics of Belief and the Failure of Fear and Trembling’s Abraham’, in Frederiek Depoortere (ed.), Facing Abraham: Seven Readings of Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, Annua Nuntia Lovaniensia, Leuven: Peeters.
- 2016 ‘The Ethics of Comparative Religious Reading: Approaching the Sacred Space of another Tradition’, in Ulrich Winkler, Lidia Rodriguez, and Oddbjørn Leirvik (eds), Contested Spaces, Common Ground, Currents of Encounter series, Leiden: E. J. Brill/ Rodopi, pp. 121-39.
- 2016 (Selection and commentary) ‘Rowland Williams and Missions to the Hindu’, in Marion Eggert, Hans-Martin Krämer, Björn Bentlage, and Stefan Reichmuth (eds), Religious Dynamics Under the Impact of Imperialism and Colonialism: A Sourcebook, Leiden: E. J. Brill.
- 2016 ‘Comparative Methodology and the Religious Studies Toolkit’, in Perry Schmidt-Leukel and Andreas Nehring (eds), Interreligious Comparisons in Religious Studies and Theology: Comparison Revisited, London and New York: Bloomsbury.
- 2015, ‘The Contemporary Contexts of Christian-Muslim Dialogue’, in Paul Hedges (ed.), Contemporary Muslim-Christian Encounters: Developments, Diversity and Dialogues, London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- 2014, (With Angela Coco) ‘Belonging, Behaving, Believing, Becoming: Religion and Identity’, in Paul Hedges (ed.), Controversies in Contemporary Religion, vol. I, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, pp. 163-190.
- 2014, (With Christina Welch) ‘Charisma, Scriptures, Revelation, and Reason: Sources of Religious Authority’, in Paul Hedges (ed.), Controversies in Contemporary Religion, vol. I, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, pp. 57-80.
- 2014, (With Anna King) ‘Is the Study of Religion Religious? How to Study Religion, and Who Studies Religion?’, in Paul Hedges (ed.), Controversies in Contemporary Religion, vol. I, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, pp. 31-56.
- 2014, (With Anna King) ‘What is Religion? Or What is it We’re Talking About?’, in Paul Hedges (ed.), Controversies in Contemporary Religion, vol. I, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, pp. 1-30.
- 2014, ‘Why are There Many Gods? Religious Diversity and its Challenges’, in Paul Hedges (ed.), Controversies in Contemporary Religion, vol. I, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, pp. 191-218.
- 2014, ‘Hospitality, Power and the Theology of Religions: Prophethood in the Abrahamic Context’, in Douglas Pratt, Angela Berlis, and Andreas Krebs (eds), Interreligious Engagement and Theological Reflection: Ecumenical Explorations, Oecumenical Interreligious Studies series Vol. I, Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 155-74.
- 2013, ‘Interreligious Studies’, in Anne Runehov and Lluis Oviedo (eds), Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, New York, NY: Springer, pp. 1176-80.
- 2013, ‘Theological Approaches to the Study of Religion’, in Christopher Partridge (ed.), Introduction to World Religions, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, pp. 40-2.
- 2012, ‘Radical Orthodoxy and the Closed Western Theological Mind: The Poverty of Radical Orthodoxy in Intercultural and Interreligious Perspective’, in Lisa Isherwood and Marko Zlomislic (eds), The Poverty of Radical Orthodoxy, Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, pp. 119-43.
- 2011, ‘An Experiment in Interreligious Theology: Guanyin in the Light of Queer Theology’, in David Cheetham, Oddbjørn Leirvik, Ulrich Winkler, and Judith Gruber (eds), Interreligious Hermeneutics in Pluralistic Europe, Currents of Encounter series, Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 203-29.
- 2010, ‘China’, in R.D. Hecht and V.F. Biondo (eds), Religion and Everyday Life and Culture, Vol. I: ‘Religion in the Practice of Daily Life in World History’, Westport, CN: Praeger, pp. 44-82.
- 2010, ‘Can We Still Teach “Religions”?: Towards an Understanding of Religion as Culture and Orientation in Contemporary Pedagogy and Metatheory’, in G. Durka, L. Gearon, M. DeSouza, K. Engebretson (eds), International Handbook for Inter-Religious Education, Vol. I, New York: Springer Academic Publishers, pp. 291-312.
- 2009, (Selection and introduction) ‘Particularities’, in Paul Hedges and Alan Race (eds), Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, Core Reader Series, London: SCM Press, pp. 61-70.
- 2009, (Selection and introduction) ‘New Religious Movements’, in Paul Hedges and Alan Race (eds), Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, Core Reader series, London: SCM Press, pp. 232-9.
- 2009, (Selection and introduction with K.P. Aleaz) ‘Hinduism’, in Paul Hedges and Alan Race (eds), Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, Core Reader series, London: SCM Press, pp. 149-66.
- 2009, (Selection and introduction) ‘Islam’, in Paul Hedges and Alan Race (eds), Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, Core Reader series, London: SCM Press, pp. 133-46.
- 2009, (Selection and introduction with Alan Race) ‘Eastern Faith Traditions Respond to Christianity’, in Paul Hedges and Alan Race (eds), Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, Core Reader series, London: SCM Press, pp. 273-93.
- 2008, ‘Particularities: Tradition-specific post-modern perspectives’, in Paul Hedges and Alan Race (eds), Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, Core Textbook series, London: SCM Press, pp. 112-35.
- 2008, ‘A Reflection on Typologies: Negotiating a Fast Moving Discussion’, in Paul Hedges and Alan Race (eds), Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, Core Textbook series, London: SCM Press, pp. 17-33.