Dr Zhang Hongzhou
Dr Zhang Hongzhou
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- Biography
- Areas of Expertise
- Professional Activities
- RSIS Publications
- External Publications
- Teaching Modules
Dr. Zhang Hongzhou’s main research interests include regional and global resource conflicts and governance, the role of Big Tech in international politics, and the governance of emerging technologies such as AI and biotechnology. He is the author/editor of three books and has published in leading peer-reviewed journals, including The China Quarterly, Policy and Society, Journal of Contemporary China, Global Food Security, Digital Government: Research and Practice, WIREs Water, Pacific Review, Marine Policy, Water International, Global Policy, Asia Policy, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Globalizations, China Review, and International Journal of Water Resources Development, among others.
Beyond academia, he has contributed Op-Eds to major newspapers and magazines across the Asia-Pacific, including The National Interest, South China Morning Post, Interpreter, East Asia Forum, Straits Times, YaleGlobal Online, The Diplomat, ChinaDialogue, AsiaGlobal Online, ThinkChina, Today, New Security Beat, Lianhe Zaobao, The Nation, The Jakarta Post, IPP Review, All China Review, Fair Observer, and RSIS Commentary.
His insights are frequently featured in global media outlets such as The New York Times, BBC, The Wall Street Journal, Science, The Economist, National Geographic, WIRED, Reuters, Channel News Asia, Bloomberg, The Washington Post, CNBC, Forbes, People’s Daily, The Straits Times, and South China Morning Post.
Areas of Expertise
- Resource (food, water, fisheries) conflicts and environmental governance
- Emerging technologies, AI and Biotechnology
- Big Tech and International Political Economy
- Central-local relations in China
- Ideas and discourse in shaping resource governance and economic integration
Professional Activities
Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Water Resources Development
Member of and guest editor for the Chinese Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy
Served as Reviewer for Journals including Nature, Nature Food, China Quarterly, GeoForum, East Asia Quarterly, Pacific Review, Policy and Society, International Politics, Water Alternatives, Issues and Studies, International Journal of Water Resources Development, European Journal of International Relations, One Earth, Asian Politics & Policy, Food Security,国际政治研究, 南洋问题研究, China: An International Journal, Marine Policy, and Water Alternatives.
Guest Editor for a special issue with the International Journal of Water Resources Development.
Guest Editor for a Special Issue with the Marine Policy
RSIS Publications
IP23032 | China’s Agricultural Power Strategy: What Is It All About?
29 March, 2023
IP22030 | Challenges to Safeguarding China's Food Security
21 April, 2022
WP282 | China’s Global Agricultural Strategy: An Open System to Safeguard the Country’s Food Security
28 October, 2014
WP246 | China’s Evolving Fishing Industry: Implications for Regional and Global Maritime Security
16 August, 2012
WP240 | China’s Economic Restructuring: Role of Agriculture
21 May, 2012
Averting Asia’s Fishing Crisis: China’s Fishing Policies Need to Be Reformed
02 June, 2015
Building the Silk Road Economic Belt: Problems and Priorities in Central Asia
18 May, 2015
China-US Tech War: The Impact on Global Food Security
25 April, 2023
CO18046 | Managing Fisheries in Troubled Waters: Can An SCS Body Work?
19 March, 2018
CO16152 | Chinese Fishermen at Frontline of Maritime Disputes: An Alternative Explanation
21 June, 2016
CO16126 | Food Security in China: Whither the Self-sufficiency Policy?
26 May, 2016
CO16026 | North Korea’s Nuclear Tests: Threat to China’s Food Security?
03 February, 2016
CO15192 | Indonesia’s War on Illegal Fishing: Impact on China
09 September, 2015
CO15099 | China’s Silk Road Economic Belt: Geopolitical Challenges in Central Asia
24 April, 2015
CO15015 | China-India Water Disputes: Two Major Misperceptions Revisited
19 January, 2015
CO14167 | China’s Proposed Silk Road: Problems and Priorities in Central Asia
20 August, 2014
CO14152 | China’s Global Resources Drive: A market-oriented strategy for food
31 July, 2014
CO14057 | Confronting China’s Water Insecurity
27 March, 2014
CO14023 | China is Marching West for Food
04 February, 2014
CO13166 | China as the World's Largest Rice Importer: Regional Implications
12 September, 2013
CO13154 | Advancing Sino-US Relations: Putting Agriculture First
19 August, 2013
CO13050 | Restructuring China's Maritime Law Enforcement:Impact on Regional Security
01 April, 2013
CO13045 | China's Food Security: From Self-Sufficiency to a Dual Strategy
14 March, 2013
CO13028 | Behind China's "Grain Miracle": More than Meets the Eye?
13 February, 2013
CO12213 | China’s Food Security: Sourcing from the Seas
29 November, 2012
CO12091 | China’s Growing Fishing Industry and Regional Maritime Security
05 June, 2012
CO12075 | Feeding the Asian: Agricultural R&D and Food Security
03 May, 2012
CO12032 | China’s Food Security: Threats from Conflicts of Interest
22 February, 2012
CO11182 | China’s Food Conundrum: Insecurity of the Rural Abandoned
12 December, 2011
CO11146 | China’s High Speed Rail System: Impact on Food Security
13 October, 2011
CO11071 | China’s Food Security: Questioning the Numbers
04 May, 2011
CO11007 | China and Global Food Security: Conflicting Notions
27 January, 2011
IDSS Papers
Working Papers
Policy Reports
RSIS Commentary Series
External Publications
Authored Books
Journal Articles
- “Building an AI ecosystem in a small nation: lessons from Singapore’s journey to the forefront of AI” (with Shaleen Khanal, and Araz Taeihagh) in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2024
- “Public-Private Powerplays in Generative AI Era: Balancing Big Tech Regulation Amidst Global AI Race” (with Shaleen Khanal, and Araz Taeihagh) in Digital Government: Research and Practice, 2024
- “Why and how is the power of Big Tech increasing in the policy process? An explanation using Generative AI as a focusing event in the multiple streams framework” (with Shaleen Khanal,, and Araz Taeihagh) in Policy and Society , 2024
- “Development of New Generation of Artificial Intelligence in China: When Beijing’s Global Ambitions Meet Local Realities” (with Shaleen Khanal, and Araz Taeihagh) in Journal of Contemporary China , 2024
- “The South China Sea fishing crisis: the overlooked role of Chinese subnational governments” in The Pacific Review, 2024
- “To Win the Great AI Race, China Turns to Southeast Asia” (with Shaleen Khanal) in The Asia Policy, 2024
- “Ten Years of China’s Belt and Road Initiative: A Bibliometric Review” (with Shaleen Khanal) in Journal of Chinese Political Science , 2023
- “Central-Local Relations in China: A Case study of Heilongjiang’s GMO Ban” (with Alfred Wu) in China Quarterly , 2023
- “Policies and Politics: Effects on US-China Soybean Trade” (with Cecilia Tortajada) in Georgetown Journal of International Affair, 2022
- “Water Diplomacy and China’s Bid for Soft Power in the Mekong” (with Zhang Li) in China Review, 21, 4, 2021. 39-75
- “When food meets BRI: China’s emerging Food Silk Road” (with Cecilia Tortajada) in Global Food Security, 29, C, 2021. 2021) 100518
- “Understanding the tragedy of the commons in the South China Sea fisheries: The prisoner’s dilemma model revisited” in Marine Policy, 2021
- “Fisheries Governance in the South China Sea: Problems, Progress, and Prospects” (with Li Mingjiang) in Marine Policy, 2020
- “The U.S.-China Trade War: Is Food China’s Most Powerful Weapon?” in Asia Policy, 15, 3, 2020, pp. 59-86
- “China’s Water Diplomacy in the Mekong: A Paradigm Shift and the Role of Yunnan Provincial Government” (with Li Mingjiang) in Water International, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2020. pp. 347–364
- “Fisheries Resources Cooperation in the South China Sea: A Brief Discussion of the Objectives and Approaches” in Yunnan University Area Studies, 1, 1, 2019, pp. 75-99
- “南海渔业: IUU 捕捞、渔业冲突和合作途径” in Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies, 3, 5, 2018, 36-49
Hongzhou Zhang and Mingjiang Li, 2018, Editorial. International Journal of Water Resources Development.
https://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2018.1499201 - Shaohua Zhan, Hongzhou Zhang, and Dongying He. 2018. China's Flexible Overseas Food Strategy: Food Trade and Agricultural Investment between Southeast Asia and China in 1990-2015. Globalizations. https://doi.org/10.1080/14747731.2018.1491688 .
- Hongzhou Zhang and Mingjiang Li. 2018. "A Process-Based Framework to Examine China’s Approach to Transboundary Water Management". International Journal of Water Resources Development (CIJW). https://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2018.1476225 .
Zhang, H., 2018. Fisheries cooperation in the South China Sea: Evaluating the options. Marine Policy 89, 67–76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2017.12.014
- Zhang Hongzhou and Sam Batemen (2017) "Fishing Militia, the Securitization of Fishery and the South China Sea Dispute" Contemporary Southeast Asia Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 288–314 DOI: 10.1355/cs39-2b
- Hongzhou Zhang and Fengshi Wu . 2017. "China’s Marine Fishery and Global Ocean Governance". Global Policy, DOI:10.1111/1758-5899.12419
Tortajada, C., Hongzhou, Z., 2016. Food Policy in Singapore. Reference Module in Food Sciences. Elsevier, pp. 1–7. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.21083-4
- “Chinese Fishermen in Disputed Waters: Not Quite a ‘People’s War’” in Marine Policy, Vol. 68C, 2016, pp. 65-73
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2016. Feeding the Chinese: Wither the Self-Sufficiency Policy? IPP Review. 18 May.
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2016. “Sino-Indian Water Disputes: the coming of water wars?”, in WIRES Water, Volume 3, issue 2, pp:155-166
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2015. “Building the Silk Road Economic Belt: Challenges in Central Asia”, in Cambridge Journal of China Studies, Vol.10 No.3 2015
- Zhang Hongzhou. "Development of Biofuels in China: Progress, Government Policies and Future Prospects". 2015. The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies. 33 (1). PP: 40-63
- Zhang Hongzhou, "Global Food Security: Debunking the China Threat Narrative", YaleGlobal Online,April 2014
- Zhang Hongzhou and Li Mingjiang. 2014. “Hunting for food: a New driving force in Chinese foreign policy”. Harvard Asia Quarterly 16 (1 ). Pp.46-59.
- Zha Daojiong and Zhang Hongzhou," Food in China's International relations", Pacific Review, 26 (2013) 455-479
- Li Mingjiang and Zhang Hongzhou, “Singapore’s South China Sea Policy,” Southeast Asian Studies (Chinese) , 6 (2011).
- Li Mingjiang and Zhang Hongzhou, “Singapore’s South China Sea Policy,” Southeast Asian Studies (Chinese) , 6 (2011).
Edited Books / Special Issues
- China and Transboundary Water Politics in Asia (with Li Mingjiang), Eds. New York: Routledge, 2017
- China’s Global Quest for Resources: Energy, Food and Water (with Wu Fengshi), Eds. : Routledge, 2016
Chapters in Edited Books
- “Chapter 9: China’s Food (In)Security: Current Status, Emerging Challenges and Future Prospects in the Post-COVID-19 Era” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May,, and Cecilia Tortajada) in Paul Teng , Food Security Issues in Asia. Singapore: World Scientific, 2024, 235–262
- “China’s Ambitious Water Diversion Plans: Options and Implications” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May) in Wini Fred Gurung, Amit Ranjan, Emerging Security Challenges and Water Politics in the Himalayas. ISAS: ISAS, 2023, 69-77
- “China’s Water Diplomacy in the Mekong: Drivers and Goals” in Brahma Chellaney and Frederick Kliem, The Displaced: Disrupted Trade, Labour, and Politics in the Mekong River Basin. Tokyo: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2022, 34-55
- “China’s Global Quest for Food and the Belt and Road Initiative” in Joseph Liow, Liu Hong and Gong Xue, Research Handbook on the Belt and Road Initiative. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, 65–75
- “Chapter 15: China’s Silk Road Economic Belt in Central Asia” in Jianwei Wang and Tiangboon Hoo, China's Omnidirectional Peripheral Diplomacy. Singapore: World Scientific, 2019, 2019, 337–360
- “When Food Crosses Borders: Paradigm Shifts in China’s Food Sectors and Implications for Vietnam” in Ehlert J., Faltmann N, Food Anxiety in Globalising Vietnam. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 267-299
- Zhang Hongzhou, and Li Mingjiang, “The thirsty China and its transboundary waters” in China and Transboundary Water Politics in Asia, Routledge. New York: Routledge. 2017
- Zhang Hongzhou and Li Mingjiang, "China and global water governance: New developments", in China and Transboundary Water Politics in Asia, Routledge. New York: Routledge. 2017
- Zhang Hongzhou and Li Mingjiang. Chapter-"Hunting for Food: A New Driver in Chinese Foreign Policy" in book: China's Economic Statecraft Cooperation, Cooperation, and Coercion Edited by: Mingjiang Li (World Scientific: Signapore) , pp.259-291
- Fengshi Wu and Hongzhou Zhang. 2016. " Introduction: a rising China and the future of world resources", in China's Global Quest for Resources: Energy, Food and Water edited by Fengshi Wu and Hongzhou Zhang (Routledge, 2016)
- Hongzhou Zhang and Guoqiang Cheng, 2016. China’s food security strategy reform: an emerging global agricultural policy, in China's Global Quest for Resources: Energy, Food and Water edited by Fengshi Wu and Hongzhou Zhang (Routledge, 2016)
- Hongzhou Zhang, Food in Sino-U.S. relations: from blessing to curse? in China's Global Quest for Resources: Energy, Food and Water edited by Fengshi Wu and Hongzhou Zhang (Routledge, 2016)
- Zhang Hongzhou. "Chapter 8: “China’s Fishing Industry: Current Status, Government Policies and Future Prospects”, in Becoming a Great “Maritime Power”: A Chinese Dream edited by Michael McDevitt, 2016. (Washington DC: CNA)
- Li Mingjiang and Kalyan M. Kemburi and Zhang Hongzhou. " Growth of China's power Capabilities, perceptions, and practice" in Li Mingjiang and Kalyan M. Kemburi (eds.), China's Power and Asian Security, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2015.
- Li Mingjiang and Zhang Hongzhou, “Singapore’s South China Sea Policy: Implications for Freedom and Safety of Navigation,” in Shicun Wu and Keyuan Zou, eds., Securing the Safety of Navigation in East Asia (Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing, 2013), pp. 171-190
Policy Reports
- “China looks to Southeast Asia for AI edge” (with Shaleen Khanal), ThinkChina, 2 April 2024
- “China’s embrace of GM crops will have global implications” (with Shaleen Khanal), ThinkChina, 24 February 2024
- “China’s Food Security After the Collapse of the Black Sea Grain Initiative” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May ), The Diplomat, 30 September 2023
- “Climate change threatens China’s rice bowl”, East Asia Forum, 5 August 2023
- “How China-Russia grain corridor can help Beijing safeguard food security and boost agricultural trade” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), South China Morning Post, 23 June 2023
- “China’s fisheries policy makes a belated shift to sustainability” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), East Asia Forum, 7 April 2023
- “What Do We Really Know About China’s Food Security” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), The Diplomat, 3 February 2023
- “Transboundary Water Governance is a Regional Security in Asia” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), The Diplomat, 29 December 2022
- “How China’s Extreme Weather Summer Is Affecting Its Security” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), The Diplomat, 23 September 2022
- “Does China have a food security problem?” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), ThinkChina, 15 June 2022
- “Meeting China’s demand for meat and dairy” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), East Asia Forum, 12 May 2022
- “Hungry China’s Growing Interest in ‘Future Foods’ and Alternative Protein” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), The Diplomat, 4 May 2022
- “Recipe For Disaster?: Implications Of The Ukraine-Russia War On China’s Food Security” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), AsiaGlobal Online, 24 March 2022
- “China’s Hydropower Plan on the Brahmaputra” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), The Diplomat, 1 September 2021
- “To Build or Not to Build: Western Route of China’s South-North Water Diversion Project” (with Genevieve Donnellon-May), The New Security Beat, 12 August 2021
- “Covid-19 And the Global Food Supply”, Asia Global Online, 14 May 2020
- “China’s ‘Development Approach’ to the Mekong Water Disputes”, The Diplomat, 20 March 2020
- “Zhang Hongzhou, 20119 “Weaponisation of Food”, Nestle Foundation Annual Report 2018, pp: 40-43”, Nestle Foundation Annual Report 2018, 1 May 2019
- “Zhang Hongzhou, “Beijing has a maritime militia in the South China Sea. Sound fishy?”, South China Morning Post, 3 March 2019.”, South China Morning Post , 3 March 2019
- “The dark harvest of Chinese “black ships”, The Interpreter, 25 January 2019
Hongzhou Zhang. 2018. "Managing fisheries in the South China Sea’s troubled waters" 5 July, East Asia Forum, available at http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2018/07/05/managing-fisheries-in-the-south-china-seas-troubled-waters/
- Hongzhou Zhang. 2018. Security Implications of China’s Rising Appetite for Seafood. AsiaGlobal Online. 28 June. http://www.asiaglobalonline.hku.hk/security-china-seafood-fish/?print=pdf
- Zhang Hongzhou, 2018, "Can Aquaculture Solve the Fishing Problems in the South China Sea?" The Diplomat. 26 March 2018, available at https://thediplomat.com/2018/03/can-aquaculture-solve-the-fishing-problems-in-the-south-china-sea/
- Sam Bateman and Zhang Hongzhou, East Asia Forum, "Bigger fish to fry than militias in the South China Sea", 13 February 2018, available at http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2018/02/13/bigger-fish-to-fry-than-militias-in-the-south-china-sea/
- Zhang Hongzhou, 2017, "Understanding China’s Transboundary Water Policies: Major Gaps" in ENVIS Newsletter on Himalayan Ecology (Vol. 13(3), 2016)
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2017. "Can China solve Central Asia’s impending water crisis?". East Asia Forum. 2 February 2017, available at http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2017/02/02/can-china-solve-central-asias-impending-water-crisis/
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2017. "Can China solve Central Asia’s impending water crisis?". The National Interest. 2 February 2017, available at http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/can-china-solve-central-asias-impending-water-crisis-19289
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2016. "China’s Growing Appetite for Fish and Fishing Disputes in the South China Sea" All China Review, 8 November, available at http://www.allchinareview.com/chinas-growing-appetite-for-fish-and-fishing-disputes-in-the-south-china-sea/
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2016. "Is China Building a Maritime Militia?", IPP Review, 12 August, available at http://www.ippreview.com/index.php/Home/Blog/single/id/214.html
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2016. "China’s Global Food Quest" The Diplomat. 24 March
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2016. "China's marine fishery push and maritime disputes". The Straits Times. March 23.
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2016. "The GMO Controversy in China: More than Food Security". IPP Review. 16 March. Available at http://ippreview.com/index.php/Home/Blog/single/id/70.html
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2016. "North Korea Nuclear Test: Threat to China's food security"? in Lianhe Zaobao. 22 January.
- Zhang Hongzhou. "South China Sea : the story of Tanmen fishermen". The Diplomat. 8 January 2016, available at: http://thediplomat.com/2016/01/south-china-sea-the-story-of-the-tanmen-fishermen/at
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2015. “China-US Climate Change Cooperation: Beyond Energy”, The Diplomat. 13 October 2015.
- Zhang Hongzhou. "China-India: Revisiting the ‘Water Wars’ Narrative". The Diplomat. 30 June 2015, Available at http://thediplomat.com/2015/06/china-india-revisiting-the-water-wars-narrative/.
- Zhang Hongzhou. "Global Food Security: Debunking the “China Threat” Narrative " Yale Global Online. 24 April 2014
Zhang Hongzhou. "The thinking behind China’s maritime militia policy is becoming increasingly obsolete.". The Diplomat. 10 May 2015, available at http://thediplomat.com/2015/05/rethinking-chinas-maritime-militia-policy/
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2015. "China-US climate change cooperation should move beyond energy". ChinaDialogue. 15 October (Chinese)
- Zhang Hongzhou. "How to Solve the Fishing disputes". Lianhe Zaobao. 9 February 2015.
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2015. "Can the potato help feed China, cut pollution and alleviate drought?". Chinadialogue.
- Zhang Hongzhou. 2015. Water Disputes between China and India: Two Major Misperceptions Revisited. China-India Brief 42.
- Zhang Hongzhou. "Chinese Fishermen in Troubled Waters". The Diplomat. 23 October 2014
- Zhang Hongzhou. "Confronting China’s water insecurity". Today. 30 April 2014.
- Zhang Hongzhou."Food policy reform key to boosting China’s water security". Cleanbiz.Asia. 25 April 2014.
- Zhang Hongzhou. “GM Food: A emerging threat to Sino-US relations”, Lianhe Zaobao. 1 February 2014.
- Zhang Hongzhou. "Sino-US Cooperation: key to global food security". Lianhe Zaobao. 3 September 2013
- Zhang Hongzhou. "It is hard for China to resist GM food". Lianhe Zaobao. 1 July 2013.
- Zhang Hongzhou. "Behind China's grain miracle: more than meets the eye". The Nation. 23 February 2013.
- Zhang Hongzhou. "To feed its millions, China needs to look to the world's oceans". The Nation. 5 December 2012.
Teaching Modules