RSIS Publications

CO14186 | US air campaign against ISIS: A more balanced pivot to East Asia?
19 September 2014
CO14183 | China and the Middle East : Embarking on a Strategic Approach
16 September 2014
CO14181 | Islamic State and Southern Philippines: Tenuous links with militants
12 September 2014
CO14177 | Indonesian and Malaysian IS Supporters: Need for ‘Soft’ Approach
10 September 2014
CO14176 | Responding to the Islamic State’s Foreign Fighters: Retribution or Rehabilitation?
09 September 2014
CO14175 | Myanmar’s Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement: Second Chance at Peace?
08 September 2014
CO14174 | China-ASEAN Relations: Hamstrung Soft Power in South China Sea?
03 September 2014
CO14171 | Indonesia’s Presidential Dilemma: Can Jokowi Avoid the Accountability Trap?
02 September 2014