Policy-relevant Articles Given RSIS Award

RSIS has an award scheme since January 2012 to encourage RSIS staff to publish in policy-oriented international journals and publications that are read by global political, business, and economic leaders. Initiated and funded by Dr Friedrich Wu, Adjunct Associate Professor with the Centre for Multilateralism Studies at RSIS, the award scheme is also supported by contributions from other RSIS members Amb Ong Keng Yong, Executive Deputy Chairman, Prof Barry Desker, Distinguished Fellow, and Prof Rajesh Basrur, Former Visiting Professor with the South Asia Programme, over the years.
ASEAN, Chinese and US Legitimation Strategies Over the Indo-Pacific Security Architecture
03 May 2023
A Finely Fractured Consensus: American Motivations for Rules-Based Order
16 December 2022
Strategic Ambiguity and the Trumpian Approach to China–Taiwan Relations
26 September 2020
The RIMPAC 2020 Maneuvers Bring 20 Ships and 10 Pacific Nations Together
17 August 2020
Consigned to Hedge: South-east Asia and America’s “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” Strategy
01 January 2020
01 January 2020
06 November 2019