Centre Staff
Ms Dymples Leong
Associate Research Fellow
BBus (University of Newcastle) Areas of Expertise
- Behavioural insights and policy
- Influence of social media and technology
- Strategic Communications
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Dr Bilveer Singh
Adjunct Senior Fellow
BA (University of Singapore); BSSc (NUS); MA; PhD (ANU) Areas of Expertise
- Great Powers in Southeast Asia
- Terrorism and Extremism in Southeast Asia
- Indonesian Politics and Security Policy, and Singapore Political, Foreign and Defence Policy
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Mr Cameron Sumpter
Adjunct Fellow
BA Hons; MA (The University of Auckland) Areas of Expertise
• Processes of radicalisation
• P/CVE policy and practice
• Prison-based disengagement strategies
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Mr Tan E Guang Eugene
Associate Research Fellow
BA (NUS); MIntSt (University of Otago) Areas of Expertise
- State behaviour in International issues
- Cybersecurity
- Aviation Issues
- Singapore Foreign Policy
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Mr Sean Tan
Senior Analyst
BA (King’s College London); MPhil (University of Cambridge) Areas of Expertise
- Security partnerships vis-à-vis the resurgence of great power politics
- Media and cultural studies
- Postcolonial legacies in Southeast Asia
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