Edited Chapters
“Countering Radical Islam in Southeast Asia — The Need to Address the Functional and Ideological ‘Enabling Environment’” in Terrorism and Transnational Violence in Southeast Asia: Challenges to State and Regional Stability
Categories: CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
01 December 2004
“Terrorism in Southeast Asia: The Ideological and Political Dimensions” in Southeast Asian Affairs 2004
Categories: CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
01 March 2004
“US Strategy in Southeast Asia: Counter-Terrorist or Counter-Terrorism?” in After Bali: The Threat of Terrorism in Southeast Asia
Categories: CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
01 December 2003
“Is Southeast Asia a ‘Terrorist Haven’?” in After Bali: The Threat of Terrorism in Southeast Asia
““Is Southeast Asia a ‘Terrorist Haven’?” in After Bali: The Threat of Terrorism in Southeast Asia”
Categories: IDSS / CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
01 December 2003
“Making Malaya Safe for Decolonization: The Rural Chinese Factor in the Counterinsurgency Campaign” in The Transformation of Southeast Asia: International Perspectivs on Decolonization
Categories: CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
15 August 2003
“Singapore and the War on Terror: The Need for an Indirect Approach” in Singapore Perspectives 2003
Categories: CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
15 March 2003
” The New Terrorism: Diagnosis and Prescriptions” in The New Terrorism: Anatomy, Trends and Counter-Strategies
Categories: IDSS / CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
31 December 2002
“Countering the New Terrorism of Al Qaeda without Generating Civilisational Conflict: The Need For an Indirect Strategy” in The New Terrorism: Anatomy, Trends and Counter-Strategies
Categories: IDSS / CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
31 December 2002
The US Foreign Policy of Praetorian Unilateralism and the Implications for Southeast Asia”, in September 11 and Political Freedoms: Asian Perspectives
Categories: CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
31 July 2002
Virtual Sexuality in the Workplace: A Wake-Up Call for Clinicians, Employers, and Employees
“Virtual Sexuality in the Workplace: A Wake-Up Call for Clinicians, Employers, and Employees”
Categories: CENS / Chapters in Edited Books
14 June 2002