The Think Tank is an e-newsletter published by RSIS, NTU Singapore. It features expert discussions and opinions on geopolitics, counter-terrorism, national security, non-traditional security, and other topical issues covered in RSIS workshops and lecture. It also carries news on the latest books by RSIS scholars and the most-read commentaries published by RSIS.
CO16147 | Security Drones: Is the Singapore Public Ready?
CO16147 | Security Drones: Is the Singapore Public Ready?
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Terrorism Studies / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / General / Country and Region Studies / Non-Traditional Security / Singapore and Homeland Security
15 June 2016
CO16142 | Glocalisation, English and Singlish: Creating a Singaporean Identity
CO16142 | Glocalisation, English and Singlish: Creating a Singaporean Identity
Categories: RSIS / CENS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies / Non-Traditional Security / Singapore and Homeland Security
13 June 2016
CO16140 | Radicalisation of Soldiers: Growing Threat from Within?
CO16140 | Radicalisation of Soldiers: Growing Threat from Within?
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Terrorism Studies / RSIS Commentary Series / Europe / South Asia / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Conflict and Stability / Non-Traditional Security
10 June 2016
CO16138 | Threats of Driverless Vehicles: Leveraging New Technologies for Solutions
CO16138 | Threats of Driverless Vehicles: Leveraging New Technologies for Solutions
Categories: RSIS / CENS / RSIS Commentary Series / East Asia and Asia Pacific / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Non-Traditional Security / Singapore and Homeland Security
07 June 2016
CO16137 | Our Skynet Moment: Debating Morality of AI
CO16137 | Our Skynet Moment: Debating Morality of AI
Categories: RSIS / CENS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies / Singapore and Homeland Security / Global
07 June 2016
CO16112 | Duterte: Delivering the Promised Peace to Mindanao
CO16112 | Duterte: Delivering the Promised Peace to Mindanao
Categories: CENS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Conflict and Stability / Country and Region Studies
16 May 2016
CO16074 | The Curious Case of Wang Yuandongyi: Why Do Some Want to Fight With Anti-ISIS Groups?
CO16074 | The Curious Case of Wang Yuandongyi: Why Do Some Want to Fight With Anti-ISIS Groups?
Categories: CENS / Non-Traditional Security / Terrorism Studies / RSIS Commentary Series / Europe / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Middle East and North Africa (MENA) / Country and Region Studies / International Politics and Security
06 April 2016
CO16067 | The Brussels Attacks: Challenges of Unravelling Terrorist Networks
CO16067 | The Brussels Attacks: Challenges of Unravelling Terrorist Networks
Categories: CENS / Non-Traditional Security / Terrorism Studies / RSIS Commentary Series / East Asia and Asia Pacific / South Asia / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies / International Politics and Security
29 March 2016
CO16060 | To Segregate or Disperse? The Management of Imprisoned Extremists
CO16060 | To Segregate or Disperse? The Management of Imprisoned Extremists
Categories: CENS / Global / RSIS Commentary Series / East Asia and Asia Pacific / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies / Energy Security / Non-Traditional Security
21 March 2016
CO16057 | Revising Indonesia’s Anti-Terrorism Laws
CO16057 | Revising Indonesia’s Anti-Terrorism Laws
Categories: CENS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Middle East and North Africa (MENA) / Country and Region Studies / Non-Traditional Security / Terrorism Studies
15 March 2016