The Think Tank is an e-newsletter published by RSIS, NTU Singapore. It features expert discussions and opinions on geopolitics, counter-terrorism, national security, non-traditional security, and other topical issues covered in RSIS workshops and lecture. It also carries news on the latest books by RSIS scholars and the most-read commentaries published by RSIS.
CO10075 | Self-Radicalisation and the Awlaki Connection
CO10075 | Self-Radicalisation and the Awlaki Connection
Categories: RSIS / CENS / RSIS Commentary Series / Terrorism Studies
06 July 2010
CO10062 | When Islamists Play By the Rules Yet Change the Game
CO10062 | When Islamists Play By the Rules Yet Change the Game
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Religion in Contemporary Society / RSIS Commentary Series / Country and Region Studies
16 June 2010
CO10047 | Mainstreaming CT: Lessons from Times Square
CO10047 | Mainstreaming CT: Lessons from Times Square
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Global / RSIS Commentary Series / Europe
10 May 2010
CO10026 | Three Youths and a Pastor: A Deconstruction of the Current Debate
CO10026 | Three Youths and a Pastor: A Deconstruction of the Current Debate
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Singapore and Homeland Security / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN
04 March 2010
CO10025 | An Integration Grant?: Sweetening the Ethnic Integration Policy
CO10025 | An Integration Grant?: Sweetening the Ethnic Integration Policy
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Country and Region Studies / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN
03 March 2010
CO10016 | Securing the Motherland through the Mother Tongue Policy
CO10016 | Securing the Motherland through the Mother Tongue Policy
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Country and Region Studies / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN
11 February 2010
CO10014 | The Underwear Bomber: A Malaysia Connection?
CO10014 | The Underwear Bomber: A Malaysia Connection?
Categories: RSIS / CENS / RSIS Commentary Series / Terrorism Studies
02 February 2010
CO09121 | South Korea: Time to Reconsider the Notion of ‘Ethnic Homogeneity’
CO09121 | South Korea: Time to Reconsider the Notion of ‘Ethnic Homogeneity’
Categories: RSIS / CENS / RSIS Commentary Series / East Asia and Asia Pacific
03 December 2009
CO09113 | Welcome to the Lion City, Mr. President:Perspective of two American Students in Singapore
CO09113 | Welcome to the Lion City, Mr. President:Perspective of two American Students in Singapore
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Singapore and Homeland Security / RSIS Commentary Series / International Politics and Security
13 November 2009
CO09104 | The Fatal Allure of Extremist Logic: Syaifudin Zuhri and the July 17 Suicide Bombers
CO09104 | The Fatal Allure of Extremist Logic: Syaifudin Zuhri and the July 17 Suicide Bombers
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Conflict and Stability / Country and Region Studies / International Politics and Security / Religion in Contemporary Society / Terrorism Studies / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN
23 October 2009