Centre Publications

CO06039 | “Iconic Soft Targets”? Public Housing Estates, Terrorism and Social Resilience
24 May 2006
24 May 2006
CO06029 | Singapore’s Darwinian Imperative Survival in a Complex and Uncertain World
28 April 2006
28 Apr 2006
CO05087 | Sequels Seldom Sell: Why Terrorism is losing its Strategic Value for Al-Qaeda
30 November 2005
30 Nov 2005
CO05035 | Thailand’s Restive South: Time to Acknowledge the Multiplicity of Thai-ness
22 June 2005
22 Jun 2005
CO05034 | The US Military and Non-Conventional War: Is Firepower Cheaper than Manpower?
21 June 2005
21 Jun 2005
WP071 | “Constructing” The Jemaah Islamiyah Terrorist: A Preliminary Inquiry
01 October 2004
1 Oct 2004