Commemorative / Event Reports
The Think Tank is an e-newsletter published by RSIS, NTU Singapore. It features expert discussions and opinions on geopolitics, counter-terrorism, national security, non-traditional security, and other topical issues covered in RSIS workshops and lecture. It also carries news on the latest books by RSIS scholars and the most-read commentaries published by RSIS.
Biden’s Burden: The Political Occlusion of Policy
Biden’s Burden: The Political Occlusion of Policy
Categories: RSIS / Country and Region Studies / Commemorative / Event Reports / Americas / General
15 July 2021
Reflections on the Tenets of Foreign Policy of Southeast Asian States
Reflections on the Tenets of Foreign Policy of Southeast Asian States
Categories: RSIS / Commemorative / Event Reports / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies
29 June 2021
RSIS Webinar Series on “DRUMS: Distortions, Rumours, Untruths, Misinformation & Smears”
RSIS Webinar Series on “DRUMS: Distortions, Rumours, Untruths, Misinformation & Smears”
Categories: CENS / Commemorative / Event Reports / Global
08 April 2021
Evolution of Finance and Central Bank Policies: India and Southeast Asia
Evolution of Finance and Central Bank Policies: India and Southeast Asia
Categories: RSIS / General / International Political Economy / Commemorative / Event Reports / South Asia / Southeast Asia and ASEAN
25 February 2021
GNET-CENS Workshop: The Fusion of Offline and Online Interventions against Extremism in the Philippines
Categories: CENS / Commemorative / Event Reports / Southeast Asia and ASEAN
13 January 2021
GNET-CENS Workshop: Online Agitators, Extremists and Counter-Messaging in Indonesia
GNET-CENS Workshop: Online Agitators, Extremists and Counter-Messaging in Indonesia
Categories: CENS / Commemorative / Event Reports / Southeast Asia and ASEAN
21 September 2020
Professor Bernard K. Gordon on “Southeast Asia Revisited in Trump Time”
Professor Bernard K. Gordon on “Southeast Asia Revisited in Trump Time”
Categories: RSIS / Country and Region Studies / International Politics and Security / Commemorative / Event Reports / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / General
30 June 2020
RSIS Workshop On Understanding And Countering Online Falsehoods And Influence Operations
RSIS Workshop On Understanding And Countering Online Falsehoods And Influence Operations
Categories: CENS / Commemorative / Event Reports / Global
05 March 2020
RSIS Workshop on Geopolitics and Technology
RSIS Workshop on Geopolitics and Technology
Categories: RSIS / Regionalism and Multilateralism / Global / Commemorative / Event Reports / East Asia and Asia Pacific / International Politics and Security
05 February 2020
Singapore Trade Policy Forum
Categories: CMS / Global / Commemorative / Event Reports / International Political Economy / Regionalism and Multilateralism
08 January 2020