Centre Publications

CO07005 | From Hegemony to Loose Bipolarity: The Evolving Geopolitics of the US, EU and China
26 January 2007
CO06102 | Ignoring Doctors’ Orders:Political Impediments to China’s Financial Liberalization
26 September 2006
CO06101 | Ties That Bind? Asian and European Financial Integration Compared?
25 September 2006
CO06076 | Mideast Conflict – A Silver Lining? Mixed Economic Impact Likely
03 August 2006
WP083 | How Bargaining Alters Outcomes: Bilateral Trade Negotiations and Bargaining Strategies
01 June 2005
CO03042 | “Irrelevant” UN, “Irreverent” US: Whither Institutionalism After Iraq?
05 December 2003
WP056 | The Indo-Chinese Enlargement of ASEAN: implications for Regional Economic Integration
01 November 2003
CO03024 | Security Challenges in the South Pacific and Australian Pre-emption Policy
27 June 2003
WP043 | The WTO In 2003: Structural Shifts, State-Of-Play And Prospects For The Doha Round
01 March 2003
WP040 | Liquidity Support and The Financial Crisis: The Indonesian Experience
01 November 2002