Policy Briefs
The Think Tank is an e-newsletter published by RSIS, NTU Singapore. It features expert discussions and opinions on geopolitics, counter-terrorism, national security, non-traditional security, and other topical issues covered in RSIS workshops and lecture. It also carries news on the latest books by RSIS scholars and the most-read commentaries published by RSIS.
CO05052 | Malacca Straits: A High-Risk Zone?
CO05052 | Malacca Straits: A High-Risk Zone?
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Maritime Security
04 August 2005
CO05051 | The Role of Open Source Intelligence In The Global War On Terror
CO05051 | The Role of Open Source Intelligence In The Global War On Terror
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Terrorism Studies
03 August 2005
CO05050 | AFTER LONDON: The role of the Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) in counter-terrorism
CO05050 | AFTER LONDON: The role of the Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) in counter-terrorism
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Terrorism Studies
02 August 2005
CO05049 | Malacca Straits Security: A Private Affair?
CO05049 | Malacca Straits Security: A Private Affair?
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Maritime Security
01 August 2005
WP085 | Global Jihad, Sectarianism and The Madrassahs in Pakistan
WP085 | Global Jihad, Sectarianism and The Madrassahs in Pakistan
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / ICPVTR / Working Papers
01 August 2005
CO05046 | The ASEAN Regional Forum: Still Thriving After All These Years
CO05046 | The ASEAN Regional Forum: Still Thriving After All These Years
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies
27 July 2005
CO05044 | The ACEH Peace Accord 2005: Breakthrough, At Last?
CO05044 | The ACEH Peace Accord 2005: Breakthrough, At Last?
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN
22 July 2005
CO05043 | The London Bombings: Radicalisation and its implications
CO05043 | The London Bombings: Radicalisation and its implications
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Terrorism Studies
14 July 2005
CO05042 | AFTER LONDON: Securing Public Transport Systems Against Terrorist Attacks
CO05042 | AFTER LONDON: Securing Public Transport Systems Against Terrorist Attacks
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Singapore and Homeland Security
12 July 2005
CO05041 | Darul Islam: A Fertile Ground for Jemaah Islamiyah’s Recruitment?
CO05041 | Darul Islam: A Fertile Ground for Jemaah Islamiyah’s Recruitment?
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN
05 July 2005