Policy Briefs
The Think Tank is an e-newsletter published by RSIS, NTU Singapore. It features expert discussions and opinions on geopolitics, counter-terrorism, national security, non-traditional security, and other topical issues covered in RSIS workshops and lecture. It also carries news on the latest books by RSIS scholars and the most-read commentaries published by RSIS.
CO12020 | Indonesia’s Naval Modernisation: A Sea Change?
CO12020 | Indonesia’s Naval Modernisation: A Sea Change?
Categories: IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Maritime Security
27 January 2012
CO12021 | Indonesia’s New Submarines: Impact on Regional Naval Balance
CO12021 | Indonesia’s New Submarines: Impact on Regional Naval Balance
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Maritime Security
27 January 2012
CO12005 | Indonesia’s Political Outlook 2012
CO12005 | Indonesia’s Political Outlook 2012
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies
09 January 2012
Goh Keng Swee: A Legacy of Public Service
Goh Keng Swee: A Legacy of Public Service
Categories: IDSS / Books / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Singapore and Homeland Security
01 January 2012
CO11189 | Ensuring Safety at Sea: The Southern Ocean and the South China Sea
CO11189 | Ensuring Safety at Sea: The Southern Ocean and the South China Sea
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Maritime Security / Global
30 December 2011
CO11186 | The European Fighter Aircraft Industry: Has it Lost Asia?
CO11186 | The European Fighter Aircraft Industry: Has it Lost Asia?
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / Global / RSIS Commentary Series / Europe / International Politics and Security
22 December 2011
CO11185 | Kim Jong Il’s Death: End of an Era?
CO11185 | Kim Jong Il’s Death: End of an Era?
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / East Asia and Asia Pacific / Conflict and Stability
20 December 2011
WP231 | The Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) in the landscape of Indonesian Islamist Politics: Cadre-Training as Mode of Preventive Radicalisation?
Categories: IDSS / Working Papers
30 November 2011
CO11176 | “Armada Jaya XXX/11” Naval Exercise: Indonesia’s Naval Strategy
CO11176 | “Armada Jaya XXX/11” Naval Exercise: Indonesia’s Naval Strategy
Categories: IDSS / RSIS Commentary Series / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Maritime Security
29 November 2011
Conference Report on “Transforming the Indonesian Armed Forces: Prospects and Challenges”
Conference Report on “Transforming the Indonesian Armed Forces: Prospects and Challenges”
Categories: RSIS / IDSS / Commemorative / Event Reports / Southeast Asia and ASEAN / Country and Region Studies
25 November 2011