Centre Staff
Dr Shounak Set
Research Fellow
MPhil (Jawaharlal Nehru University); PhD (King's College London) Dr Sandeep Singh
Research Fellow
BA Hons (NUS); MA (NUS); PhD (UNSW) Areas of Expertise
- History of Grand Strategy
- The Global Cold War
- Cultural Studies, Diplomatic History
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Mr Emirza Adi Syailendra
Associate Research Fellow
BSocSc (University of Indonesia); MSc (RSIS, NTU) Areas of Expertise
- Indonesia’s Foreign Policy
- Indonesia’s Defence Policy
- Indonesia’s Politics
- Southeast Asia and ASEAN
- International Relations in East Asia
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Mr Adrian Tan
Executive Coordinator, Policy Research; Head, Special Projects; Deputy Director of Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies
BA Hons (NUS); MA (Stanford University) Dr Sarah Teo
Assistant Professor
Deputy Head, Graduate Studies; Coordinator of PhD Programme
BComm Hons (NTU); MSc (RSIS, NTU); PhD (University of Sydney) Areas of Expertise
- Multilateral security and defence cooperation in ASEAN and the Asia Pacific
- Middle powers in the Asia Pacific
- Power in international relations
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Dr Geoffrey Till
MA; PhD (University of London) Areas of Expertise
- The Development of Navies in the International Context, with Special Interests in the Asia-Pacific Region.
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Mr Tsjeng Zhizhao Henrick
Associate Research Fellow
BA (Boston University); MIA ( Columbia University) Areas of Expertise
- International geopolitics and security issues in the Asia-Pacific region
- Security architecture in Northeast and Southeast Asia
- Role of discourse power and information operations in international relations
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Dr Pascal Vennesson
Senior Fellow ; Head of Research, RSIS
Professor of Political Science, University Panthéon-Assas, Paris II (on leave)
MA (University Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris I); PhD summa cum laude (Sciences Po Paris) Areas of Expertise
- Changing character of war
- Judgment and decision in war
- Strategic thought
- Case study and process tracing
- French politics, foreign and defence policies
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