The ASEAN Regional Forum Heads of Defence Universities/Colleges/Institutions Meeting (ARF HDUCIM) is a Track 1 meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), designed to provide a defence diplomacy and best practice sharing platform for military institutes in the region that run education programmes for their senior military professionals. The hosting of the meeting is voluntary, and Singapore’s SAFTI Military Institute (SAFTI MI), which last hosted the eighth meeting in 2004, co-hosted the 23rd event with the Pakistani National Defense University (NDU). RSIS partnered SAFTI MI in organising the event in Singapore. The theme this year was “Military Education to Enhance Confidence Building, Leadership Development, and Opportunities for Cooperation”. Aimed at creating dialogue for sharing of best practices, the theme was further developed to include three sub-themes: (i) Leadership in the Age of Disruption, (ii) Innovations in Curriculum and Pedagogy, and (iii) Opportunities for Learning Collaboration. A total of 22 nations were represented at the meeting, and RSIS was recognised for co-organising the event.