The Maritime Security Programme held its annual flagship conference, “Regional Maritime Security Outlook 2020”, between 14 and 15 January 2020 at the Holiday Inn Atrium Singapore. Over two dozen experts and practitioners participated in the event.
The conference opened with Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Till setting the scene with broad trends in the regional security environment and the future of conflict and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. Opening remarks were followed by panellists providing their outlook on major powers and regional actors’ maritime security strategies, priorities, capacities, and challenges. The first day concluded with a well-timed discussion on the growing congestion of the shared maritime space in the South China Sea — especially the rationale for and regional perceptions on European navies presence in the region’s waters.
The second day of the conference focused on more specific maritime security issues. This year’s focus was on the new frontline of maritime cooperation and conflict, the maritime law-enforcement agencies, and the maritime militia as part of state’s comprehensive maritime security strategy. The two panels brought forth important insights into the roles and legal jurisdiction of the two maritime paramilitary forces.
The conference concluded with a lively roundtable discussion looking at the future of conflict and cooperation in the shared maritime domain.