Think Tank (4/2023)

Dean Kumar Ramakrishna
RSIS Day 2023
27 Jul 2023
Held annually, RSIS Day brings together the RSIS family to interact on an informal basis. This year, RSIS celebrates 27 years.
More than 200 staff and students gathered on 27 July 2023 to celebrate this special occasion. Dean Kumar Ramakrishna gave a speech, reminiscing on the decades that formed RSIS’ history and presented long service awards to staff.
The award recipients are as follows:
Long Service Award (25 years)
- Mr Ng Gim Choon (Senior Executive, Administration)
Long Service Award (20 years)
- Dr Mely Caballero Anthony (Professor of International Relations, Associate Dean (International Engagement); Head of Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies; President’s Chair in International Relations and Security Studies)
- Dr Muhammad Haniff Bin Hassan (Research Fellow)
- Ms Kasmawati Binte Abdullah (Senior Administrative Executive)
Long Service Award (15 years)
- Ms Alicia Cheung Wai Lai (Head of Finance)
- Dr Bhubhindar Singh [Associate Professor, Associate Dean (Academic Affairs); Head of Graduate Studies]
- Mr Ian Li Huiyuan (Associate Research Fellow)
- Dr Koh Swee Lean Collin [Senior Fellow, Coordinator of Projects (Naval/Maritime Affairs)]
- Ms Pauline Liew Noke Ling (Senior Admin Executive)
Long Service Award (10 years)
- Mr Anit Mukherjee (Associate Professor)
- Mr Farik Bin Mohd Hussain (Events Manager)
- Ms Geanina Bujoreanu (Senior Manager, Graduate Programmes Office)
- Ms Janet Fung Wui Mang (Senior Webmaster and Designer)
- Dr Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit (Assistant Professor, Head of Centre for Multilateralism Studies)
- Ms Margareth Sembiring (Associate Research Fellow)
- Mr Okkie Tanupradja (Senior Language Officer)
- Ms Ordonez Roxane Domingo (Senior Administrative Executive)
- Mr Syed Huzaifah Bin Othman Alkaff (Associate Research Fellow)
- Mr Tan E Guang, Eugene (Associate Research Fellow)
- Dr Tan Teck Boon (Research Fellow)
- Dr Teo Li-Shan Sarah (Assistant Professor, Deputy Coordinator of MSc (International Relations) Programme)
Staff of RSIS
Students of RSIS