The Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies at RSIS and the Division of Nuclear Security of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), co-organised a faculty development course on nuclear security at the RSIS Lecture Theatre, from 21 to 25 October 2019. The course provided basic training to around 20 faculty members from universities and training institutions in the Asia Pacific region, who were interested in designing and teaching courses and programmes in nuclear security.
To determine their specific needs and plans, participants presented on the existing and future programmes of their respective institutions on nuclear security education and training. The course provided both substantive information, as well as methodological and curriculum-development assistance. They were introduced to the IAEA’s model of academic curriculum in nuclear security, which they could consult to draft their curricula and training programmes. The course also included lectures, intended to provide participants with basic knowledge and information on nuclear security. The lectures circled around topics such as (i) introduction to nuclear security; (ii) legal framework for nuclear security; (iii) conducting threat assessment; (iv) nuclear security-detection architecture; (v) physical protection systems and principles; (vi) cybersecurity and information security; (vii) nuclear security culture; (viii) emergency preparedness and response measures; and (ix) radiological crime scene management and nuclear forensics.
Nuclear security remains a national and state responsibility. It involves the security of nuclear facilities, materials, as well as radiological materials being used for peaceful applications. Any nuclear and radiological security incident may result in health, societal, economic, and environmental concerns. The risk that nuclear or other radioactive materials could be used with malicious intent is also a serious threat to international peace and security.
Nuclear security education was highlighted as an important element of the nuclear security regime, both at the national and global levels. In this regard, an important exercise of the course was on how to design a sample curriculum in each of the three fields: engineering, policy and international relations, and natural sciences.