29 December 2022
- News Releases
- New Dean in RSIS
Professor Kumar Ramakrishna has been appointed the new Dean of S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore with effect from 1 January 2023 for a three-year term.
RSIS is a global think tank and school of graduate education offering Master of Science Programmes in Strategic Studies, International Relations, International Political Economy, and Asian Studies. RSIS has five Research Centres and two specialised Research Programmes to drive the School’s policy-relevant research and networking activities.
Professor Ramakrishna takes over the RSIS Deanship from Professor Ralf Emmers.
Professor Ramakrishna joined the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS), the predecessor of RSIS, in 2000. He has been a tenured Associate Professor in NTU since 2009 and RSIS Associate Dean in charge of Policy Studies since 2020. In 2021, he was appointed NTU Provost’s Chair in National Security Studies and in September 2022, he was promoted to Professor of National Security Studies.
Professor Ramakrishna has held a number of key appointments in RSIS, namely, founding Head, Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS) from 2006 to 2015, Head of National Security Studies Programme (NSSP) from 2016 to 2020, and Head, International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) from April 2020 to December 2022.
As Associate Dean in charge of Policy Studies, Professor Ramakrishna has assisted the Executive Deputy Chairman of RSIS in the overall management of the School’s research work which covers the coordination and quality assurance of the School’s policy research/think tank programmes in accordance with NTU’s research policies.
Professor Ramakrishna is an internationally recognised and sought-after speaker in counter-terrorism and a regular commentator on the subject. He has published six single-authored books and four edited and co-edited books. In addition, he published in many international referred journals including Studies in Conflict and Terrorism and Religions and Contemporary Southeast Asia.
As the new Dean of RSIS, Professor Ramakrishna will steer the further development of the Graduate School so that it continues to attract top talent to its research and educational mission and remain at the forefront of global developments and strategic concerns as a global think tank.
Professor Emmers has helmed the academic leadership of the School since 2019. He first joined RSIS in 2002. Known for his work in the fields of security studies and international politics, Professor Emmers strengthened the strong culture of excellence that has consolidated RSIS’ reputation as one of the top international affairs graduate schools in the region and the go-to place for academic and policy decision-makers in the field. Professor Emmers remains as Professor of International Relations in RSIS.
RSIS thanks Professor Emmers with deep appreciation for his outstanding contributions to the development and growth of RSIS during his tenure as Dean (2019 – 2022) and Associate Dean (2014 – 2018).
RSIS warmly welcomes Professor Ramakrishna to his new appointment.