31 July 2015
- Publication
- RSIS Publications
- NTULink | Issue 92 – July 2015
RSIS was featured in this issue. Read the interviews of Ambassador Ong Keng Yong, Executive Deputy Chairman of RSIS; and Professor Joseph Liow, Dean of RSIS; what RSIS does and how the RSIS Alumni Association stays connected!
The NTULink magazine keeps alumni updated on the University’s latest news and developments, and on recent alumni events and initiatives.
This key alumni quarterly publication by the NTU Alumni Affairs Office is issued free to all NTU alumni and features the latest campus and alumni news, personality interviews, and lifestyle stories.
RSIS was featured in this issue. Read the interviews of Ambassador Ong Keng Yong, Executive Deputy Chairman of RSIS; and Professor Joseph Liow, Dean of RSIS; what RSIS does and how the RSIS Alumni Association stays connected!
The NTULink magazine keeps alumni updated on the University’s latest news and developments, and on recent alumni events and initiatives.
This key alumni quarterly publication by the NTU Alumni Affairs Office is issued free to all NTU alumni and features the latest campus and alumni news, personality interviews, and lifestyle stories.