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A Comparison of Laissez Faire and Developmental State Approaches in Addressing Non-Traditional Security Impacts of Essential Food Commodities
Dr Jose Ma. Luis P. Montesclaros Research Fellow
Dr Jose Ma. Luis P. Montesclaros
Dr Mely Caballero-Anthony Professor of International Relations and Associate Dean (International Engagement); Head of Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies; President’s Chair in International Relations and Security Studies
Dr Mely Caballero-Anthony
Dr Paul Teng Professor and Adjunct Senior Fellow
Dr Paul Teng
What is the appropriate role of the state, when some policy tools needed for addressing market challenges may entail going against free trade rules? This RSIS Working Paper builds on two earlier critique papers on classical economic theory, and seeks to identify the determinants of why states adopt laissez faire and developmental state policies, in the case of essential commodities.
Theme: | International Political Economy / Non-Traditional Security |
Region: | Global |
Entity: | NTS Centre |