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Tetralemma and Trinity: An Essay on Buddhist and Christian Ontologies
Dr Rafal Stepien Assistant Professor and Coordinator of MSc (Asian Studies) Programme
Dr Rafal Stepien
This project builds on the ontological claims espoused by two major Buddhist and Christian philosophers: Nāgārjuna (c. 150 – 250) and Hegel (1770 – 1831). It uses Nāgārjuna’s fourfold tetralemma (catuṣkoṭi) and Hegel’s threefold dialectic (Dialektik) to propose a novel understanding of the ontological status of the self in its relation to itself and to its other, the no-self. Thus, it applies the tetralemma to the self, arguing that, to attain ontic completion, the self must itself reflect the tetralemmic form in the totality of its being – nothing – both-being-and-nothing – neither-being-nor-nothing. These in turn correspond to the Hegelian in-itself, for-another, both-in-itself-and-for-another, and neither-in-itself-nor-for-another.
Theme: | General / Religion in Contemporary Society |
Region: | Europe / South Asia / Global |
Entity: | SRP |