01 March 2016
- Publication
- External Publications
- Li, Chenyang and Char, James. 2016. “China-Myanmar Relations since Naypyidaw’s Political Transition: How Beijing can Balance Short-Term Interests and Long-Term Values.” In Li Chenyang, Chaw Chaw Sein and Zhu Xianghui (eds.). 2016. Myanmar: Reintegrating into the International Community. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd., 63–104.
Li, Chenyang and Char, James. 2016. “China-Myanmar Relations since Naypyidaw’s Political Transition: How Beijing can Balance Short-Term Interests and Long-Term Values.” In Li Chenyang, Chaw Chaw Sein and Zhu Xianghui (eds.). 2016. Myanmar: Reintegrating into the International Community. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd., 63–104.