25 August 2016
- Publication
- External Publications
- The utility of the U.S. Navy’s amphibious assault ships as small-deck carriers
The utility of the U.S. Navy’s amphibious assault ships as small-deck carriers
Ho, Ben. "The utility of the U.S. Navy’s amphibious assault ships as small-deck carriers”, RUSI Defence Systems, August 25, 2016. https://rusi.org/publication/rusi-defence-systems/utility-us-navy%E2%80%99s-amphibious-assault-ships-small-deck-carriers.
Ho, Ben. "The utility of the U.S. Navy’s amphibious assault ships as small-deck carriers”, RUSI Defence Systems, August 25, 2016. https://rusi.org/publication/rusi-defence-systems/utility-us-navy%E2%80%99s-amphibious-assault-ships-small-deck-carriers.