RSIS Publications

WP028 | What Fear Hath Wrought: Missile Hysteria and The Writing of “America”
01 July 2002
1 Jul 2002
WP027 | Great Power Politics in Contemporary East Asia: Negotiating Multipolarity or Hegemony?
01 July 2002
1 Jul 2002
WP022 | The Evolution of China’s Maritime Combat Doctrines and Models: 1949-2001
01 May 2002
1 May 2002
CO01004 | Can Megawati Win the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Moderate Muslims in Indonesia
01 December 2001
1 Dec 2001
WP020 | Humanitarian Intervention and Peacekeeping as Issues for Asia-Pacific Security
01 December 2001
1 Dec 2001