RSIS Publications

CO14191 | Malaysia’s Opposition Alliance at the Crossroads: Beginning of the End?
01 October 2014
Impact of the Sino-Japanese Competitive Relationship on ASEAN as a Region and Institution
24 September 2014
CO14187 | Abolishing Indonesia’s Direct Local Elections: Missing the Forest for the Trees?
23 September 2014
WP281 | Examining China’s Assertiveness through the Eyes of Chinese IR Scholars
17 September 2014
CO14181 | Islamic State and Southern Philippines: Tenuous links with militants
12 September 2014
CO14179 | Energy Competition in the South China Sea: A Front-burner Issue?
11 September 2014
CO14177 | Indonesian and Malaysian IS Supporters: Need for ‘Soft’ Approach
10 September 2014
CO14175 | Myanmar’s Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement: Second Chance at Peace?
08 September 2014