RSIS Publications

Betwixt and Between: Southeast Asian Strategic Relations with the U.S. and China
16 August 2005
CO05053 | US-India Global Partnership: The Changing Balance of Power in Asia
08 August 2005
CO05037 | The Gleneagles Summit: Why Does the U.S. Not Want to Give More Aid to Africa?
24 June 2005
CO05034 | The US Military and Non-Conventional War: Is Firepower Cheaper than Manpower?
21 June 2005
CO05025 | Renewed American Diplomacy: Keeping Southeast Asia on US radar screen
24 May 2005
CO04030 | Beyond the Iraq Hostage Crisis: Re-Assessing US-Philippine Relations
28 July 2004
CO03039 | Singapore’s Balancing Diplomacy: Defence Cooperation With USA, India
12 November 2003
CO02010 | ASEAN-US Cooperation to combat International terrorism: A more nuanced approach needed
29 August 2002
WP028 | What Fear Hath Wrought: Missile Hysteria and The Writing of “America”
01 July 2002