RSIS Publications

CO05057 | Malacca Straits a ‘war risk zone’? Llyod’s should review its assessment
19 August 2005
Betwixt and Between: Southeast Asian Strategic Relations with the U.S. and China
16 August 2005
CO05054 | General Zhu’s Nuclear Strike Remarks: Reading between the Lines
11 August 2005
CO05053 | US-India Global Partnership: The Changing Balance of Power in Asia
08 August 2005
CO05051 | The Role of Open Source Intelligence In The Global War On Terror
03 August 2005
CO05050 | AFTER LONDON: The role of the Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) in counter-terrorism
02 August 2005
CO05048 | Jihad Through The Eyes of Mainstream Ulama (Not for Publication in the Print Media)
29 July 2005