RSIS Publications

CO06110 | Learning From the Best The Chinese Response to U.S. Defence Transformation
11 October 2006
CENS Insight (2006 – Issue 5) | Emergent Trends: A Tale of Fishes, Mobile Phones and Micro-Engines
11 October 2006
CO06108 | Refuting The ides of Jihad as a perpetual war between Muslims and Non-Muslims
06 October 2006
CO06106 | Between Iran and Persia Islam and Nationalism in Iran’s Resurgence as a Regional Power
28 September 2006
CO06105 | It Sure is Dark in Those Classified Caves Open Source Intelligence for National Security
27 September 2006
CO06102 | Ignoring Doctors’ Orders:Political Impediments to China’s Financial Liberalization
26 September 2006
CO06101 | Ties That Bind? Asian and European Financial Integration Compared?
25 September 2006