RSIS Publications

CO06072 | Freed Bashir to formalise JI ? Could be his first major move after release
31 July 2006
CO06070 | Fading Sunshine: China, South Korea losing patience with North Korea?
28 July 2006
CO06069 | Prelude to Occupation? Implications of Israel’s War on Hizbullah in Lebanon
26 July 2006
CO06064 | THE MUMBAI RAIL BOMBINGS Explaining Kashmiri Groups’ Expanding Theatre Of Operation
17 July 2006
CENS Insight (2006 – Issue 2) | Intelligence Lessons: Defeating Terrorism on the Front Lines
12 July 2006
CO06063 | The Ideological DNA of Terrorism: The Role of Ideology in London’s 7 July Bombings
10 July 2006
CO06062 | 72-hour Neighours? Designing an ASEAN crisis management mechanism
10 July 2006