RSIS Publications

CO06059 | Does Singapore’s Destiny Lie in Outer Space? Space Elevator project could be a start
30 June 2006
Strategic Currents: Marking the Transition to the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
30 June 2006
CO06058 | PULLING THE HAIR FROM THE FLOUR The art of defusing the Mahathir crisis
26 June 2006
CO06056 | Jihad in China? Rise of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
22 June 2006
CENS Insight (2006 – Issue 1) | Avian Flu and Pandemics: Focusing on the Wrong Threat?
14 June 2006
CO06051 | Ba’asyir Release: Implications for Islamist Militancy in Indonesia
13 June 2006
CO06050 | Building a Regional Disaster Response Mechanism for a Secure ASEAN Community
13 June 2006