External Publications Entity Clear Selection RSIS x IDSS x ICPVTR x CENS x NTS Centre x CMS x NSSP x SCRP x SRP x FIT x STSP x RSIS IDSS ICPVTR CENS NTS Centre CMS NSSP SCRP SRP FIT STSP Month SEARCH 2001, Preparation and Fulfilment: A History and Study of Fulfilment Theology in Modern British Thought in the Indian Context, Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity series, Bern: Peter Lang, 426pp. Paul Hedges 01 January 2001 1 Jan 2001 Architecture, Inculturation and Christian Mission: The Buildings of the Cambridge Mission to Delhi, and Their Meaning for the Church Today International Review of Mission Paul Hedges 01 January 2000 1 Jan 2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12