Working Papers
The Think Tank is an e-newsletter published by RSIS, NTU Singapore. It features expert discussions and opinions on geopolitics, counter-terrorism, national security, non-traditional security, and other topical issues covered in RSIS workshops and lecture. It also carries news on the latest books by RSIS scholars and the most-read commentaries published by RSIS.
Energy Development in ASEAN Countries and Sino-ASEAN Energy Cooperation (NTS-Asia WP No. 1)
Energy Development in ASEAN Countries and Sino-ASEAN Energy Cooperation (NTS-Asia WP No. 1)
Categories: NTS Centre / Working Papers / Non-Traditional Security
02 April 2009
WP176 | Significance of Abu Dujana and Zarkasih’s Verdict
WP176 | Significance of Abu Dujana and Zarkasih’s Verdict
Categories: RSIS / CENS / Working Papers
31 March 2009
WP174 | The Tablighi Jama’at Movement in the Southern Provinces of Thailand Today: Networks and Modalities
Categories: IDSS / Working Papers
09 March 2009
WP175 | The Spread of the Tablighi Jama’at Across Western, Central and Eastern Java and the role of the Indian Muslim Diaspora
Categories: IDSS / Working Papers
09 March 2009
WP173 | The Implementation of Vietnam-China Land Border Treaty: Bilateral and Regional Implications
WP173 | The Implementation of Vietnam-China Land Border Treaty: Bilateral and Regional Implications
Categories: IDSS / Working Papers
05 March 2009
WP172 | Islamizing Formal Education: Integrated Islamic School and New Trends in Formal Education Institution in Indonesia
Categories: IDSS / Working Papers
11 February 2009
WP171 | Reviving the Caliphate in the Nusantara: Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia’s Mobilization Strategy and Its Impact in Indonesia
Categories: IDSS / Working Papers
09 February 2009
WP170 | “Indonesia’s Salafist Sufis”
WP170 | “Indonesia’s Salafist Sufis”
Categories: IDSS / Working Papers
30 January 2009
WP169 | The Implementation of Islamic Law In Contemporary Malaysia: Prospects and Problems
WP169 | The Implementation of Islamic Law In Contemporary Malaysia: Prospects and Problems
Categories: IDSS / Working Papers
29 January 2009
WP168 | Beibu Gulf: Emerging Sub-regional Integration between China and ASEAN
WP168 | Beibu Gulf: Emerging Sub-regional Integration between China and ASEAN
Categories: IDSS / Working Papers
02 January 2009