Centre Staff Publications

Reshaping the Chinese Military: The PLA’s Roles and Missions in the Xi Jinping Era
28 November 2019
For PH, Winning the Hearts and Minds of Malay-Muslim Women is Easier Said Than Done
27 November 2019
Symbol or Substance? Modi’s decision to Appoint a Chief of Defense Staff
27 November 2019
24 November 2019
The Responsibility to Provide in Southeast Asia: Towards an Ethical Explanation
12 November 2019
Is Donald Trump’s Administration Ceding Southeast Asia to an Ever-aggressive China?
09 November 2019
06 November 2019
The Absent Dialogue: Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the Military in India
03 November 2019
Malaysia’s 14th General Election and UMNO’s Fall: Intra-Elite Feuding in the Pursuit of Power
01 November 2019