Centre Publications

CO13203 | The rise of Islamist Militancy in East Africa: Al Qaeda’s Next Target?
30 October 2013
CO13202 | China as a Major Arms Exporter: Implications for Southeast Asia
30 October 2013
CO13198 | Indonesia’s Low Cost Green Car: More traffic congestion, less public transport
23 October 2013
CO13191 | The Second Emergency (1968-1989): A Reassessment of CPM’s Armed Revolution
10 October 2013
CO13186 | Limits of Coercive Isolation: Rethink Strategy on North Korea and Iran
04 October 2013
CO13181 | The Demise of Chin Peng: End of the Classical Counterinsurgency Era?
02 October 2013
CO13180 | Attack on Nigerian College: Boko Haram’s War on Western Education?
01 October 2013
CO13179 | Australia’s Operation Sovereign Borders: Risks for Australia-Indonesia Relations
01 October 2013