Centre Publications

CO11130 | Sub-standard Ships and Human Costs of Piracy: The Case of Captain Prem Kumar
07 September 2011
7 Sep 2011
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CO11130 | Sub-standard Ships and Human Costs of Piracy: The Case of Captain Prem Kumar
Sam Bateman
07 September 2011
CO11116 | South China Sea Dispute: Why China takes Pragmatic Stance
Yang Fang
08 August 2011
CO11110 | Looking West: Australian Defence Force Posture Review
Sam Bateman
25 July 2011
CO11101 | Opening of Arctic Sea Routes: Turning Threat into Opportunity
Joshua Ho
12 July 2011
CO11097 | China’s New Marine Interests: Implications for Southeast Asia
Yang Fang
04 July 2011
Indonesia and the 2011 ASEAN Chairmanship: Priorities and Prospects
Indonesia Programme
01 July 2011
WP229 | Dealing with the “North Korea Dilemma”: China’s Strategic Choices
You Ji
21 June 2011