Programme Staff
Dr Abdullah Saeed
Visiting Professor
BA (University of Medina); MA; PhD (University of Melbourne) Ms S. Nanthini
Associate Research Fellow
BA (La Trobe University); MIR (University of Melbourne) Areas of Expertise
- Gender and HADR
- R2P and Human Security in Southeast Asia
- Multilateralism and Security in the Asia-Pacific
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Mr Rueben Ananthan Santhana Dass
Senior Analyst
BSc ; MSc (Imperial College London); MSc (RSIS, NTU) Areas of Expertise
- Terrorist use of technologies (drones, unconventional weapons)
- 3D-printed firearms
- CBRN terrorism
- Terrorism and counterterrorism operations in Southeast Asia
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Mr Alif Satria
Associate Research Fellow
MA (Georgetown University) Areas of Expertise
- Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Indonesia
- Organizational dynamics and resilience of terrorist organization
- Offline and online radicalization processes
- Patterns of collective violence in Indonesia
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Dr Victor R Savage
Adjunct Senior Fellow
BA (University of Singapore); MA (University of California); PhD (University of California) Areas of Expertise
- Environmental Change
- Climate Change
- Landscape Change in Singapore
- Regional Geography & Geopolitics, Southeast Asia
- Mekong
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Dr Anne-Marie Schleich
Adjunct Senior Fellow
PhD (University of Mannheim) Areas of Expertise
- Geopolitical Trends in Oceania
- Border Issues in the Himalayan Region
- Pakistan-China Relations
- Climate Change and Security
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Mr Adam Schwarz
Adjunct Senior Fellow
BA (Duke University); MBA (Columbia University in the City of New York)