Programme Staff
Dr Leonard C. Sebastian
Senior Fellow
BA Hons, Grad Dip Strategic Studies; MA (York University); PhD (ANU) Areas of Expertise
- Indonesian Politics
- Indonesian Defence and Security Policy
- Indonesian Foreign Policy Trends
- Political Islam and Militant Movements in Indonesia
- Indonesian Counter-terrorism Strategy
- Indonesian Political Economy and Decentralisation
- Singapore-Indonesia Relations
- Regional Security Developments in Southeast Asia with special reference to normative structures, the ASEAN Political and Security Community concept, and neo-classical realist approaches including the impact of domestic policy on foreign policy decision making
- Democratic Transitions in Asia
- Civil-military Relations in Asia.
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Dr Margareth Sembiring
Research Fellow
BEng, Mechanical Engineering (NUS); MSi (Han) (Indonesian Defense University); MA (King’s College London); PhD (RSIS,NTU) Areas of Expertise
- Climate Change and Environment
- Environment
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Dr Shounak Set
Research Fellow
MPhil (Jawaharlal Nehru University); PhD (King's College London) Dr Bilveer Singh
Adjunct Senior Fellow
BA (University of Singapore); BSSc (NUS); MA; PhD (ANU) Areas of Expertise
- Great Powers in Southeast Asia
- Terrorism and Extremism in Southeast Asia
- Indonesian Politics and Security Policy, and Singapore Political, Foreign and Defence Policy
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Dr Sandeep Singh
Research Fellow
BA Hons (NUS); MA (NUS); PhD (UNSW) Areas of Expertise
- History of Grand Strategy
- The Global Cold War
- Cultural Studies, Diplomatic History
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Dr Sinderpal Singh
Senior Fellow
Assistant Director of Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies; Coordinator of Regional Security Architecture Programme, and South Asia Programme, IDSS
BA (NUS); MA (ANU); PhD (Aberystwyth) Areas of Expertise
- Indian Foreign Policy
- IR Theory
- Asia’s International Politics
- Regionalism in International Politics
- Indian Ocean Security
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Adlini Ilma Ghaisany Sjah
Associate Research Fellow
BA (University of Indonesia); MIR (University of Melbourne) Areas of Expertise
- Terrorism in Indonesia
- Internationalization of terrorist movements
- Use of narratives by terrorist groups
- Southeast Asian security
- International Relations
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