The 6th edition of the RSIS-SWP Dialogue took place in Berlin this year. Held from 4 to 5 September 2024, discussion centred on “Manoeuvring the New Global Techno-Economic Governance Landscape”, with the researchers from both institutions addressing the sub-themes:
(i) Manoeuvring New Global Techno-Economic Governance: The Role and Agency of Germany and Singapore
(ii) The (Geo)politics of Energy Transition – Perspectives from Germany and Singapore
(iii) From Free Trade to Geoeconomics: How to Deal with the Slow Death of the Multilateral Rules-Based Trade System?
The Dialogue, done in partnership with the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik or SWP), began in 2019, when RSIS hosted the first meeting in Singapore. Held annually, there has been six iterations of the Dialogue, with the most recent held in Berlin. The annual Dialogue offers a unique opportunity for experts interested in the same research areas to exchange perspectives from different sides of the globe on issues as diverse as collaboration in technology, renewable energy, and the challenges of the digital economy. This allows for an enriching conversation and a wonderful exchange of perspectives between experts from Europe and Southeast Asia.
Mr Adrian Tan, Executive Coordinator of RSIS’ Policy Research Office, Head of Special Projects, and Deputy Director of Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, led the RSIS delegation. He shared the opening remarks with Dr Stefan Mair, the Director of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs and Executive Chairman of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP). The Dialogue also had participants such as Dr Dipinder Singh Randhawa, Dr Alvin Chew and Dr Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit from RSIS, and Dr Daniel Voelsen, Ms Rosa Gehrung and Dr Hanns Günther Hilpert from SWP.
RSIS would host the 7th RSIS-SWP Dialogue, to be held in Singapore in 2025.