- Graduate Education
- Faculty
Dr Stefanie Kam
Assistant Professor
BA (Reed College); MA (University of Chicago); MSc (RSIS, NTU); PhD (ANU) Areas of Expertise
- Chinese politics
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Dr Collin Koh Swee Lean
Senior Fellow
Coordinator of Projects (Naval/Maritime Affairs)
BEng Hons (NTU); MSc (RSIS,NTU); PhD (RSIS,NTU) Areas of Expertise
- Primary research interests: Naval Affairs in the Asia-Pacific Region, Especially in Southeast Asia and Focusing on Naval Modernization Issues
- Naval Arms Control
- Confidence and Security-Building Measures at Sea
- Offence-Defence Theory
- Concept of Non-Provocative Defence
- Nuclear Energy Development in Southeast Asia
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Dr Su-Hyun Lee
Assistant Professor
Coordinator of MSc (International Political Economy) Programme
BA (Korea University); MA (Korea University); PhD (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) Areas of Expertise
- International and Comparative Political Economy
- International Trade and U.S. Trade Politics
- (Re)Distributive Politics
- Political Institutions, Parties and Party Systems
- Research Methods
- Developing Countries, and Korean Politics
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Dr Terence Lee
Visiting Associate Professor
BA (University of Wisconsin-Madison); MSc (RSIS, NTU); MA; PhD (University of Washington-Seattle) Dr Li Mingjiang
Associate Professor; and Provost’s Chair in International Relations
Deputy Head, Graduate Studies; Coordinator of PhD Programme
BA; MA (Foreign Affairs University, Beijing); PhD (Boston) Areas of Expertise
- China’s Diplomatic History
- Domestic Sources of Chinese Foreign Policy
- China’s Relations with East Asian Nations and the United States
- Asia-Pacific Security
- The South China Sea Disputes
- The Rise of China and Its International Implications
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Dr Joseph Liow Chin Yong
Tan Kah Kee Chair in Comparative and International Politics
Senior Research Adviser to S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
BA Hons (Wisconsin-Madison); MSc (RSIS, NTU); PhD (LSE) Areas of Expertise
- Asia Pacific Security Issues
- Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia
- Muslim Social and Political Movements in Southeast Asia
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Dr Bernard Loo Fook Weng
Senior Fellow
Coordinator of MSc (Strategic Studies) Programme
BSSc Hons (NUS); MA (ANU); PhD (Aberystwyth) Areas of Expertise
- Defence Policy
- Evolution of Wafare
- Strategic Theory
- Conventional Military Strategies
- Strategic Problems of Small Powers
- Problems and Prospects of Military Transformation
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Dr Tamara Nair
Senior Associate Fellow
Head of Research Integrity and Data Management Unit; Coordinator of Projects (Women and Children in ASEAN Community)
BA (NUS); MEnvMgmt (UNSW); PhD (UNSW) Areas of Expertise
- Decentralised Governance in Developing Nations
- Sustainable Development and Issues of Social Justice: Equitable Development in Local Communities
- Climate change, Natural Resource Management and the Role of Women
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Dr Joel Ng
Research Fellow
Deputy Head of Centre for Multilateralism Studies
BA (Hons) (East Anglia); MA (Distinction) (Sussex); DPhil (Oxon.) Areas of Expertise
- Norms
- Regional Organizations and Architecture
- United Nations
- African Union
- International Humanitarian Law
- Rule of Law & Governance
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Dr Ong Wei Chong
Senior Associate Fellow
Head of National Security Studies Programme; Deputy Coordinator of MSc (Strategic Studies) Programme
BA (University of East Anglia, Norwich); MSc (IDSS, NTU); PhD (University of Exeter) Areas of Expertise
- Military History
- Strategic Studies
- War Studies
- Insurgency/Counterinsurgency
- Hybrid Warfare & Grey Zone Conflict
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