Programme Staff
Dr Collin Koh Swee Lean
Senior Fellow
Coordinator of Projects (Naval/Maritime Affairs)
BEng Hons (NTU); MSc (RSIS,NTU); PhD (RSIS,NTU) Areas of Expertise
- Primary research interests: Naval Affairs in the Asia-Pacific Region, Especially in Southeast Asia and Focusing on Naval Modernization Issues
- Naval Arms Control
- Confidence and Security-Building Measures at Sea
- Offence-Defence Theory
- Concept of Non-Provocative Defence
- Nuclear Energy Development in Southeast Asia
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Dr Naoko Kumada
Adjunct Fellow
LLB (Keio University); LLM (Santa Clara); MA (Tokyo Metropolitan University); PhD (Cambridge)

Mr Kwa Chong Guan
Senior Fellow
BA Hons (University of Singapore); MA (Kent) Areas of Expertise
- Track-2 Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific
- Maritime Security
- Risk and Crisis Management
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